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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Looking better by the game really. Was brilliant today.
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Played in the number 10 behind Best in the first half. Moved to the right wing when Shola came on for Obertan. How'd he get on when on the wing? Hopefully it might be a precurser to him starting there more regularly. Was much more influential on the wing. Aye, hopefully now Pardew will reassess his options regarding Ben Arfa and his ability to play on the wing.
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Played in the number 10 behind Best in the first half. Moved to the right wing when Shola came on for Obertan.
  4. So it takes something that magical to get Raylor to smile then! Raylor smiling has me convinced this is the greatest goal ever. Oh it was........
  5. One of the Sheffield teams away (for piss up reasons more than anything )
  6. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Made the right call bringing Obertan off when he did. Meant that Ben Arfa got to play on the right, a position from which he was so influential. Now, hopefully Pardew will now reassess his options.
  7. Had a meh first half but was immense in the second half. Looked like his old self today Good goal too.
  8. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Some decent hold up play here and there. Improved a bit when Shola came on but overall he was poor.
  9. It was a positive change, aye but cheering like that will destroy his confidence/fragile mind.
  10. Which also confirms his position as permanent manager of Hull.
  11. Good news if he is indeed back in February/March. A few games here and there to get him back up to speed and then he should be ready for pre-season.
  12. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Just seen them. Nice
  13. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Absolutely. Just leave Smith and please Pardew let him leave! Mutual agreement ftw.
  14. Hopefully it's nothing too serious and that he can start against QPR.
  15. So frustrating and shite today. CROSS THE BALL MAN! Should be dropped to the bench and come on as an impact player really. I imagine his confidence is absolutely shot now too and starting more games would do more bad than good really especially when pretty much everyone is on his back. Mind you though, the cheering when his number was held up on the board was embarrassing.
  16. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Such a fantastic goal from the lad. Here's my description : His goal was fwap-worthy really - he got the ball on the right and basically waltzed through the Blackburn defence to get into the box, he kept the ball effectively away from three/four Blackburn players and then scored. Great solo effort. He was so much more influential from the wing than he was in the number 10 role today. Hopefully Pardew will reassess his options now - Ben Arfa has just proven that he CAN play on the wing.
  17. Just got in myself. All in all, a deserved result for us considering how much better our attacking play was compared to Blackburn's. Kean's tactics were plain awful really (most noticeably, he got their keeper to aim his kicks to their left hand side which ultimately came to nothing). We started well in the first half, played some good football but lacked that cutting edge really. When Blackburn scored, they did start to get into the game more tbh such as a couple of shots here and there but that was it really. Obertan was frustrating and s****, he had so many occasions to cross the ball in first time but for some reason, he felt it was more appropriate to beat the man more than once. This ultimately led us to lose possession. CROSS THE BALL MAN! The game changed when we brought Shola on for Obertan and moved Ben Arfa to the right wing. Hatem was more influential from the wing than in the number 10 role he played in in the first half (though Ben Arfa did have a decent enough first half too imo). His goal was fwap-worthy really - he got the ball on the right and basically waltzed through the Blackburn defence to get into the box, he kept the ball effectively away from three/four Blackburn players and then scored. Great solo effort. Shola coming on changed us too. Some good touches here and there from the big man (though an absolutely terrible shot when he got the ball from Cabaye). Best, some decent hold up play here and there and improved a bit when Shola came on. A special mention to Abeid who I thought had a good game/debut, some good strength/hold up play in the middle and some decent, simple passing. Promising. Jonas looked like his old self in the second half too. Nice. 4th Round here we come!
  18. Played well today I thought. Passed the ball decent enough, good strength/hold up play in the middle. Promising (and on his home debut too). He did have one moment where he should have passed instead of shoot - though that's down to inexperience more than anything. Think he should start against QPR if Guthrie doesn't make it.
  19. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Think they are missing Fletcher tbh. I think that he's certainly been one of Man U's more important players these past few seasons. Such an underrated player imo.
  20. Ah but you see, it would be logical: So predictable.
  21. Here's the thread btw: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,65690.0.html
  22. ;D Wouldn't look out of place in the actual Daily Mail really
  23. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Would like to see it happen tbh. To see a 38 year old Giggs and a 37 year old Scholes as first choice CMs....
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