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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Benjamin Corgnet

    Ha, more than likely actually!
  2. i'd like to know how far he ran tonight even though he came off early, looke totally f***ed. I'm sure there'll be some stats about it later on.
  3. Sifu

    Benjamin Corgnet

    "A very high offer", sorry can't believe that Do we need another CM though?
  4. Got to get that started at St. James' when he comes back from the ACoN.
  5. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Got his tactics bang on tonight. I thought it was a good mix of direct football and passing along the deck tonight which ultimately allowed us to come out on top. Well in Pards
  6. I love Demba Ba. We're really going to miss him when he goes to the ACoN. He is the complete striker for me and definitely the best striker we've had since Shearer. Fantastic technique, works his arse off, great strength, basically everything you want in a striker. Bargain of the century.
  7. Such a class act. Certainly one of the best CBs in the league imo. The best defender we've had since Woodgate. Hope he signs that new contract!!
  8. Great performance from the lad tonight. Made some positive forward runs tonight and worked well with Jonas I thought. An actual fullback who loves his forward runs Can only get better like.
  9. Was back to his usual beast-like self tonight. Tremendous. Absolutely bossed the midfield alongside Yohan.
  10. What a lovely free kick. Worked his socks off tonight and played really well alongside Tiote.
  11. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I reckon he will most certainly get his chance when Ba goes to the ACoN. That's his chance to "prove" himself. He'll more than likely start on Saturday playing in the number 10 behind Best methinks.
  12. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Decent enough shift like and like some people have said, Raylor is actually an improvement on Obertan (never thought I'd ever say this )
  13. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    What a horrendous looking waistcoat. What was he thinking? Canny punditry like. Yorke's punditry tonight though. Meh.
  14. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Thank you Joey
  15. What a fantastic result and what a fantastic peformance to go with it. A game which we deserved to win in the end too. Demba Ba man, we are really going to miss him when he goes to the ACoN. Caused Ferdinand and Jones a lot of problems. Such a lovely finish for his goal too. Lovely free kick from Cabaye and a hilarious own goal from Phil Jones. Brilliant stuff. We had the right mix of direct and passing along the deck methinks. The defence was solid, the midfield was solid, everywhere really. Well done to Pardew and the lads.
  16. I like it how you edited the post to put the 'very' in there. Needed to convey a stronger emotion, "very" seemed rather appropriate
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