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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Samba would be a fool if he went to QPR. They're not guaranteed to be safe from relegation much like Blackburn atm so he could still end up being in the Championship next season either way.
  2. I reckon that in the long term, Santon will be our starting RB (remember that he's still only 20 and he's already comfortable playing on either side). But as it stands, in the short and medium term (as in the rest of the season and possibly most of next season), he'll be our starting LB imo. I have no problems where he starts really, be it at RB or LB, he'll be an asset to the side.
  3. Interesting to see Streete in those photos. Could be in contention for a place on the bench tomorrow?
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Ba does indeed like playing deep but people here have said that he is more in a 9 and a half type role so I think the partnership can work (in that they won't get in each other's way). Ba himself has said that it could work too so fingers crossed.
  5. Hoillett coming here would do very nicely.
  6. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Well there have been glimpses of Ba and Ben Arfa having some sort of understanding when they have played together. So can actually see Ba and Ben Arfa starting a few more games together like. I reckon in the long term, it will be Ba and Ben Arfa as the main attacking force.
  7. Harry Redknapp can f*** right off. 6 more months until he's England manager (hopefully) and then he can finally stop his f***ing nonsense of tapping up/unsettling players in public. Karren Brady can also fuck off too. It was West Ham's fault they give him a silly contract (relegation release clause and all that) when he was there. Whiny bitch.
  8. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    If he's back in training on Monday, could he play a part against QPR or will that be too soon for him?
  9. So it looks like he's finally signing his new contract. I'm happy with that tbh. If anything, he's great backup if we sign a new RB in the near future otherwise, I have no problems with him starting. He's not as bad as some people make him out to be. He's a solid enough defender imo but admittedly, his attacking play still needs to improve. With the right player in front of him, he'll be fine methinks (I mean just look at the difference having Raylor in front of him instead of Obertan!)
  10. So if we do... FWIW, I'm still pretty confident that we won't sell anyone this month. But is that statement reassuring enough? Probably not tbh.
  11. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Interesting. I haven't followed him so not sure if he's still up to doing a job...but I'd have thought a player of his talent will be able to bury goals with that team around him. The way I see it, Henry will be strictly backup for Arsenal. Unless there's an injury to Van Persie, then Henry will probably just get 10 minute cameo appearances.
  12. He'll be fine for Saturday. But honestly I'd give him a rest.
  13. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Looks like it's the old "he smiles at me" tactic. Smith'll will be off then.
  14. Looks like it was a bit too early for a bit of ?
  15. Sifu


    They always try to hijack polls really. Whatever the poll, as long as NUFC don't win, it's a victory for the mackems. FTM!
  16. Good Looking forward to seeing the Best-Ben Arfa frontline.
  17. And here it is: https://shop.nufc.co.uk/cgi-bin/live/ecommerce.pl?site=theclubshop_nufc&state=item&dept_id=50&sub_dept_id=10&product_id=301069
  18. Indeed, though one thing that Raylor does have is his delivery - something Obertan is severely lacking atm.
  19. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Brilliant words from the silver fox
  20. Indeed, someone's shit-stirring. That's the fucking press for ya!
  21. I seriously doubt Ashley would allow a buyout clause in a/any player's contract.
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