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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    James Tomkins

    I thought £4million was a bit too much anyway. Think it's time to look elsewhere tbh.
  2. They chant about Newcastle all the time. Cheer up Alan Shearer is one of their biggest chants. I say f*** them, this is the first time in years we have beat them and I'm glad our fans rubbed it in.
  3. Well the kid will probably have seen the light now.........
  4. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    tell me more, pm if necessary. I'm sure Barton mentioned this in one of his tweets?
  5. ;D ;D ;D Some people really do only see what they want to see :lol: http://i.imgur.com/WEGVp.gif Well played
  6. £4 million is a bit too high for me. £3 million max would be more like it
  7. ;D ;D ;D Some people really do only see what they want to see :lol:
  8. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    I think that deep down, the QPR fans know that Barton didn't want to go there in the first place and that he wanted to stay with us. So don't think his Twitter comments would bother them as such. As long as he performs for them, guess the QPR fans don't really care.
  9. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Really hope so too. We need him to return to his goalscoring form. It was mentioned many pages back, it seems that Best thrives on being the "main man". Now that he is it once again, think the goals will start coming.
  10. Probably get stoned to death having virgin on his shirt.
  11. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Thank you Mr Branson
  12. Arguably his best performance for us tonight. Another goal-line clearance against Man U Now he just needs to play like this week in, week out. I guess having someone to help him out defensively contributed to him having a good game tonight. He is indeed this: Happy Birthday Danny
  13. Sifu

    Benjamin Corgnet

    yes if they want to play the midfield 3 like i think they want. anyone know if this kid is left pegged ? Interesting. Yeah if we want to play 4-3-3, then guess he'd be a welcome addition though I would like to see Guthrie/Vuckic in a midfield 3 first. vuckic can't (so far, i know it's early) do the work in the middle, even the defensive positioning and guthrie, for all he's played well, can't play leftish and i'm still not so sure he can do it often enough to be in the first XI. i thought the idea behind going for barnetta was along these lines, why we weren't so desperate to get another striker and the reasoning behind marveaux and ben arfa. Still think Guthrie could do a job as part of a midfield three. His left foot, whilst he is reluctant to use it, is still decent like.
  14. Is that a chant or has he just done that himself? Done that himself I think. That chant needs to sung when Ba comes back from the ACoN.
  15. 51 points, one of my best weeks in recent times
  16. Solid defender really. Looks like his understanding with Colo is still there which can only benefit us in the long run. Our defence now has the foundations to become as solid as it did in the early part of this season imo.
  17. I imagine it won't be sold out? no chance, top bit is shut for starters. I need to head down on Saturday!
  18. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Shola was simply Shola tonight. Good header to set up Ba's goal.
  19. Sifu

    Benjamin Corgnet

    yes if they want to play the midfield 3 like i think they want. anyone know if this kid is left pegged ? Interesting. Yeah if we want to play 4-3-3, then guess he'd be a welcome addition though I would like to see Guthrie/Vuckic in a midfield 3 first.
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