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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    St James' Park

    I avoid the Legends altogether.
  2. Hope the lad comes on at some point.
  3. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    All Pardew can do right now is to do his job: managing the team. That is, working on tactics in order to win games; keeping the lads motivated and get them in the right mindset for the City game next Saturday. Pardew probably did give his view about all this s**** today/last night but it was more than likely ignored.
  4. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Pleased to hear it, hope all other media companies will also refuse to mention the "new name". Aye.
  5. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Have to say this: oh dear
  6. Sifu

    St James' Park

    :thup: Great words from Stelling in his article too.
  7. Agreed Beren. Any injury to Colo or Saylor and we'd be screwed. Two signings in January who can cover defence adequately will do me. I've mentioned it before but I wouldn't mind if Kadar gets a chance - he did show in the Championship that he was decent enough cover.
  8. I thought Jonas said in his interview Cheik was the star and the best at it? Cheik must have went on a retribution rampage. Fear of being shot made him a man on a mission to get you first Yep!
  9. He'll be back just in time to be 'like a new signing'. In all seriousness, it's not great news. Perch Kadar did mention that he was feeling good, fitness wise so if he impresses for the reserves, then surely Pardew will call upon his services if need be?
  10. Still need back up. Simpson and Raylor would be good enough back up while Santon and another occupy their spaces (when they deserve to lose their place that is).
  11. I thought Jonas said in his interview Cheik was the star and the best at it? Cheik must have went on a retribution rampage.
  12. No way is he on 33k a week Aye.
  13. Sifu

    St James' Park

    I'm not liking the BBC Football page, Llambias' fucking face man
  14. Heritage, history, iconic image/name. Some things are worth more than money and there is a line you shouldnt cross. Exactly. So you would rather see the club miss out on a big revenue stream giving an advantage to not only the other clubs in England but also in Europe? As it stands, we're going to get absolute fuck all money from this.
  15. Heritage, history, iconic image/name. Some things are worth more than money and there is a line you shouldnt cross. Exactly.
  16. Sifu

    St James' Park

    First time I heard about this too actually.
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