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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    Chose a good time to release it then, when we are still doing well but the fans have just been p*ssed off I reckon that this might not have even been released (for a certain time anyway) if St. James' had not been renamed. Seemed to be the right time to release it now I guess, what with the good buzz around city pretty much on a decline these past few days and some of the media trying to give Ashley/Llambias as much bad press as possible.
  2. Sifu


    I'm assuming the fan who recorded it thought it wouldn't be wise to say anything considering we were doing well on the pitch. He probably also though that any negative press would be a detriment to the team?
  3. Sifu

    St James' Park

    The bit in bold isn't the same as it was.
  4. Sifu


    Now there's a surprise. Ha.
  5. Sifu


    That's where Pardew comes in. He has to make sure the players are still motivated and in the right mindset for our next three games. I'm actually confident he'll keep them in line and focused. He does seem to say all the right words when it comes to managing the team.
  6. don't know if thats a or a......can't find a nervously shitting themselves smiley. on a side note looking throught the available smileys, too many meme's and trolls. just so "of the moment" with no thought of quality Bit of both really. I'm hoping Cabaye only plays 45 minutes at most.
  7. Sifu


    explains why he didnt have p*ssed off fans having a go at him then seeing as the feel good factor was still going at that point Indeed.
  8. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Fuck, that looks dreadful.
  9. Sifu


    don't hold your breath I dunno like. Their behaviour over the past week stinks of hubris on such a grand scale that it is rapidly becoming fatal. There's so much that rings true in those two reports (i.e. that you can just imagine Llambias saying that s***) that you know these c***s are absolutely f***ing ruthless bastards. It's clear that they've only ever been interested in NUFC as a vehicle to grow the SportsDirect.com brand, any doubt on that was removed this week with the stadium renaming debacle...and those few who have been doubting their profit motive being their sole interest (or more accurately, who have been turning a blind eye because of the winning streak recently) can have no doubt now, surely. The Season Ticket sale was cynical, but ultimately may prove self-defeating when they realise renewals dry up as everyone holds on to see if discounted STs resurface next summer (assuming people don't actually f*** off completely in digust at the stadium renaming, which is far more likely). The media catching on to the fact that Ashley and Llambias are such cretinous twats will make it increasingly difficult for them to hold onto NUFC, they will be forced out, it's just a matter of time now. They have sown the seeds of their own destruction. Hmmm, some good points there. Yeah, the media seem to be slowly realising that Ashley and Llambias don't have the football club's interests at heart and are disrespectful dickheads. However, in all likelihood, Ashley/Llambias don't give a fuck what the fans and the media say so will do their utmost to hold onto NUFC
  10. Sifu

    Paul Gascoigne

    Ah missed this. Will it be available on ITV player?
  11. Sifu


    don't hold your breath
  12. Sifu


    What a fucking cunt Llambias is.
  13. Sifu

    St James' Park

    priceless Same and my reasoning goes deep down into the sentimental. For me, what St. James' Park symbolised was not only the history, tradition, pride and passion of Newcastle United and us as fans but the pride of the city too. The fact that people (some of my mates for example) who don't even follow/dislike football are also criticising Ashley for this says a lot. It's like the very soul of the city has been taken away.
  14. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Credit where it's due really. Capello's tactics worked tonight and it was a good, hard-working performance from the England players tonight. Now, let's not get carried away, it was only a friendly but to beat Spain, after England's recent performances, is really commendable. Well done
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