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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Arsenal could nick this....nah.
  2. For me, it just wouldn't look right - after having a (hopefully) successful Olympics next year, I would be disappointed to see it in the hands of a club of Orient's stature. The "legacy" being Leyton Orient playing there just wouldn't sit right with me There has been talk about a Rugby Union side using it and AEG (Spurs' would be partners) are still interested using it for concerts etc. I think it would get used more with Orient on board than Wham tbh. Which Rugby Union side are you talking about? Saracens I see. I can accept them having it, they're a pretty big rugby club. Orient however, nah.
  3. Great to see the man doing so well.
  4. Yeah, this game has been shite.
  5. Aye, a CB pairing of him and Kosielny isn't exactly great. The sooner Vermelaen comes back, the better for Arsenal.
  6. Should have been a penalty for Marseille before.
  7. I reckon a score draw in the Marseille-Arsenal game.
  8. Unfortunately, I think this is the case too. I really think he actually doesn't care about football despite his 2 goals/assist last night. As long as he still has a contract with us, he's probably happy. If Beardsley/Nolan's comments are anything to go by, he won't be back with the first team any time soon. If he does care about his career, he would have definitely taken a permanent/loan move. He was that close to joining Blackpool but said no at the last minute iirc.
  9. They're representative of 90% of pundits in this country. Absolutely and utterly clueless and not an ounce of research beyond looking at a couple of recent results.
  10. Just had a look there, Birmingham are playing Club Bruges MW.
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    I reckon Barton would have done well in a quick movement/passing 4-3-3 but with our current system of 4-4-2 (and most likely 4-4-1-1 in the future) and our playing style ("proper" wingers and all that), don't think he would have fit in Pardew's plans as such.
  12. For me, it just wouldn't look right - after having a (hopefully) successful Olympics next year, I would be disappointed to see it in the hands of a club of Orient's stature. The "legacy" being Leyton Orient playing there just wouldn't sit right with me There has been talk about a Rugby Union side using it and AEG (Spurs' would be partners) are still interested using it for concerts etc. I think it would get used more with Orient on board than Wham tbh. Which Rugby Union side are you talking about?
  13. Well I accept that one buyer may be more attractive looking than another, but I was thinking mainly regarding any new owner wanting to make changes to our current set-up. Rocking the boat so to speak. Wouldn't be happy with that at all actually. For once, we have some stability and Ashley (bar his obsession of plastering Sports Direct logos everywhere at St. James') seems to be slowly learning lessons about how to actually own a football club. Still can't be excused for his past behaviour mind but for the time being (or 3-5 years like Ian W mentioned above), any changes above/in ownership would be a bad idea (well apart from firing Llambias maybe).
  14. @dannysimpson12 Danny Simpson Don't believe everything u read, things get taken out of context! Very happy at Newcastle n I'm staying 2 minutes ago via UberSocial for BlackBerry
  15. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Source: http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_7251029,00.html?utm_source=twitterfeed_Football_twitter&utm_medium=twitter Capello would be making a mistake if he takes Rooney imo.
  16. I meant what is the reason he wouldn't play him after the Forest game? Early signs (Forest game, reserve games) seem to indicate that Elliot is a bit of a dodgy keeper. But it's still very much early days before we can properly pass judgement on him imo.
  17. Anyone able to make sense of this? Do you think we have the essence of the foot? The mackems have the essence of the bum. Very random post from RAWK there
  18. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Shola has played like Eto'o today
  19. Carver's words are encouraging especially the bit I've put in bold.
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