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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    19 points from 9 games is a great achievement Great work Pards!
  2. Was surprised we were second. Although given that Man U, City, Arsenal and Chelsea are still to play it shouldnt be too much of a surprise. No doubt the mackems will be fuming they were last. I was surprised we were second, our game was pretty crap. Magedia innt.
  3. So I've missed most of the Manchester derby, but I can see that Man U are being raped. Nice.
  4. Aye, they should definitely start. If we play a relatively full strength, we should be able to beat Blackburn. This will do.
  5. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    Aye, my opinion of him has certainly improved. Don't shit myself as much when he touches the ball these days.
  6. His performance yesterday was definitely an improvement on his Spurs performance. Solid.
  7. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Pretty much this. Was shitting myself when he essentially took out the Wigan player in the first half (mis-timed challenge, that was all). Really thought he was going to get sent off.
  8. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    I still maintain that he did okay for us in the Championship (better than Butt anyway).
  9. This is good for my accumulator (though I need Peterborough to score another goal in their game against Leeds, currently 1-1).
  10. Genuinely, I think last time I was this confident going into a game was under Big Sam and we had Portsmouth at home. ... Uh oh
  11. nicely detailed article there...full of facts and quotes
  12. Brought in Ben Arfa and Sturridge for this weekend. Hope it goes well.
  13. Hopefully, as the article suggests, Colo's contract will be sorted/signed within the next couple of weeks. I echo Wilson's post. Please, please, please!
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