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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Would be a shame if he does leave imo. His personal problems this year seem to be taking its toll on Simpson so it doesn't seem as if he's in the right mindset for football. But he may very well still be able step it up by January/the end of the season. If not, he's still decent enough back up imho but if he wants to leave, can't really stop him. (His claims of "financial hardship" are silly ones to make btw).
  2. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Him and Taarabrt having a bust up (especially when Adel is known to be quite the prick) was always on the cards like.
  3. For me, it just wouldn't look right - after having a (hopefully) successful Olympics next year, I would be disappointed to see it in the hands of a club of Orient's stature. The "legacy" being Leyton Orient playing there just wouldn't sit right with me
  4. How exactly are Leyton Orient going to fill the stadium??
  5. Overall he was poor, didn't look like a player out to impress and show he has a future at club, scored two although he couldn't really miss them but missed two other sitters and a penalty. Guess he really is a lost cause here. I know he might not have played well (I obviously haven't seen the match), but just from reading the match report, he scored twice, hit the post once, and set up a teammate for a goal in a match against fairly decent competition. Hardly a career ending performance The bit in bold is quite telling. It seems he doesn't really give a f*** otherwise he would have done more to impress. Just an assumption here.
  6. Don't pay that much attention to what nufc.com says these days tbh.
  7. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    :lol: £10 million
  8. Overall he was poor, didn't look like a player out to impress and show he has a future at club, scored two although he couldn't really miss them but missed two other sitters and a penalty. Guess he really is a lost cause here.
  9. Sifu

    Ryan Donaldson

    She wouldn't be able to walk.
  10. More chance of platting p*ss im afraid.
  11. Would love us to finish above Liverpool.
  12. Aye, really looks the business these days.
  13. Man U's defence is pretty much dodgy without Vidic there so we could very well nick a goal at Old Trafford. Norwich played well there so why can't we? Vidic will be well back by then(back tonight actually). Could still nick a goal but it's going to be the other end that's most important if Newcastle are to get anything at Old Trafford. So I see. Well in any case, Vidic is your rock in defence. Though don't know what's wrong with Ferdinand, looks like his injury/fitness problems have knacked him if that's fair to say?
  14. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Looks like it aye. Good idea I think, will probably give Kadar a boost.
  15. That's quite a bit of expectation right there. Indeed.
  16. That kind of attitude pisses me off more than just saying they're s*** tbh, I hate the way that mentality is seemingly ingrained into English football. I wholeheartedly concur. Pricks.
  17. That's an incredible stat... very impressive. Aye. Canny.
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