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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That's what every one said before as well. Promising . Maybe from this point on, I'll be positive and say he'll be fine.....
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    When do you play Forest ? It isn't a premier league team, no ? (What division ?) We play them on the 20th September, it's a League Cup game. Nottingham Forest are a Championship team.
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Mind you, once he does come back, I'm going to s****ing myself every time he gets tackled.
  4. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    @lee_ryder Lee Ryder AP:"7 months is a long time but we put targets in front of the board then it's down to finances,Ruiz bid was genuine, we bid for 4 players"
  5. Sifu

    St James' Park

    I sincerely hope not.....
  6. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    :lol: Like some have said, time will tell I guess.
  7. Nice. Regular football at that level might, just might, get him on track. It's so frustrating. For all his faults, more than once, he came on as a sub and completely transformed the team's attitude and performance. Any manager that can tap into that potential will have a really good player. I've just about lost all faith in Ranger. Though I hope he tries and step it up (be it here or elsewhere) - not entirely confident he will though.
  8. Dyer thought he was a lot of things... Doesn't always make it so... He looks far more comfortable and effective on the right than he does left the times I've seen him... I took it as a more, "I'll play anywhere for the team" type quote.
  9. It's a choice of who you believe, the board or Andy Carroll, only one version of events is true. How any one can believe the board is beyond me. http://nufc-ashlies.blogspot.com/ Carroll is hardly blameless in his departure. Remember that he signed a new contract a few months prior to him leaving. From what I gather, his new contract was hardly the minimum wage and was very reasonable, it seems to me that Carroll's head was swung by the money on offer at Liverpool. The board of course aren't blameless either. They sold a player who would have been the core of the team in the future (building a team around him and all that) and was also a potential Newcastle legend in the making. Both parties were satisfied, end of. Hopefully, he wont do that well at Pool and we can get him back at less than what we paid. Wages likely to be a problem however. Indeed. Regarding your second paragraph, hf he ever does come back, hope he has a nice long apology prepared. I remember Beardsley waving to the Kop and was mad at the time when he left. All was forgiven when he came back though. Boy, what a player. I don't remember that, on account I wasn't born when he first left. But guess I could forgive Carroll if he ever does come back. Like I've said, an apology or an admission that he was wrong to move to Liverpool would be fine with me - at which point, I could then forgive and forget.
  10. @NilePowerRanger Nile ranger fame is a vapour, popularity an accident and money takes wings
  11. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    That's a good way to put it
  12. Sifu


    Wait until he has a few drinks.... Don't really drink much marra and I live over your way so I'm used to getting shedloads of stick. Water off a ducks back. I'm just here to add to the debate and for a bit of crack. Good crack mind, not s*** crack. Good to hear I'm sure you're aware of the poster Wearside? Same bloke man. Just his second go. :omg:
  13. Sifu


    Wait until he has a few drinks.... Don't really drink much marra and I live over your way so I'm used to getting shedloads of stick. Water off a ducks back. I'm just here to add to the debate and for a bit of crack. Good crack mind, not s*** crack. Good to hear I'm sure you're aware of the poster Wearside? Same bloke man. Just his second go. Err, it really isn't mate. I'm Randy Savage on here and the SMB. I know of a 'Wearsider' on the SMB, but I'm not sure about 'Wearside.' Well Wearside is s*** craic basically.
  14. Sifu


    Wait until he has a few drinks.... Don't really drink much marra and I live over your way so I'm used to getting shedloads of stick. Water off a ducks back. I'm just here to add to the debate and for a bit of crack. Good crack mind, not s*** crack. Good to hear I'm sure you're aware of the poster Wearside?
  15. Sifu


    Wait until he has a few drinks....
  16. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    Aye, though I'm hoping it's just a fitness issue and that he hasn't done something to upset the management à la Ranger........
  17. Sifu

    St James' Park

    http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/2746/cimg0823w.jpg Can't wait.
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