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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Solidifies my opinion of him then. Dickhead.
  2. Finally had a look at some videos of him on YT. Looks promising
  3. Sifu

    St James' Park

    That will 100% happen.
  4. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Soooo, the Bulgaria-England game is on tonight. KO is 7:15. Three more games left in the group...
  5. Sifu


    Yep, the lad seems desperate not to be at Sunderland. What else is he going to say? He's hardly going to say, "This is a s*** club." You can tell Barton didn't want to go to QPR judging from his body language but he's still going to say that "QPR are an exciting club."
  6. Sifu

    St James' Park

    I'll take it as a pinch of salt. Wouldn't be surprised if this turned out to be true mind
  7. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    All sounds promising
  8. How very dare they?!?! This unfortunately.
  9. Pay as you play deals hardly exist these days really.
  10. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Here are my comments: - That article is from the Jarrow and Hebburn Gazette, a random local paper which I've never heard of until today. Must be a slow news day for them. (Thank you Newsnow more than likely). - Barton has been out of order commenting on our players (and how they're going to be sold) but our lads will more than likely take no notice of it. They know what Barton's like and just think "he's on a Twitter rampage again lol". Joey's saying what we're kinda all thinking tbh, the problem is he's highlighting it to the world. - His comments on Santon in full: Whilst Barton does say that Santon is a gamble in the PL (which is a valid point at this moment in time), he goes on to add that he could be wrong and that Santon might very well end up being a success. Barton is talking from his experience at the club after working with the fools from above. He's just bitter and being an attention seeking child. Best thing to do is to take no notice, I read his tweets and just brush them aside. The media however are giving him the attention he wants. FWIW, I do actually like Barton.....
  11. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Hmmm, I'm hoping that Pardew is going to confront Ashley/Llambias like but that's not going to happen. Let's face it, this is probably the best job he's ever had as a manager and he won't do anything to jeopardise his position......
  12. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Like some people have said, he's done alright football-wise. Everything else he has a lot to answer for, ie. essentially being Ashley/Llambias' yes man and his constant empty promises.
  13. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Who else would work under Ashley/Llambias?
  14. Obertan needs a run of games to get his confidence up. Simples.
  15. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Unless said day is also the day Ashley sells up and Llambias joins the dole queue, then that's a f***ing laughable statement. Who else are we going to get, with Ashley in charge, who is any better than Pardew? I know you hate the bloke, and he does say the absolute wrong things re: promises on transfers, but could we really get anyone else in who's better at the day to day coaching of the players and a better tactician on matchday? The answer to that for me, is sadly not. This. Pardew, thus far has done a steady job in terms of performances on the pitch and as far as im concerned we wont get someone who can do a better job with regards to that. If Pardew went, we'd be up s*** creek, we'd end up with someone who not only lies and talks arse, but is an abomination of a football manager, i.e Joe Kinnear. This (and Pilko's post) sums it up perfectly. We would be in the absolute s*** if Pardew goes.
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    All of the above tbh.
  17. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    That would be madness! Can't see him taking it tbh. He loves the limelight. It's perfect for him. Shitloads of money to throw at it, he'd fancy himself to upset the English, Italian & Spanish clubs. The timing is just about right too for Mourinho (judging from his track record of changing clubs every 2/3 seasons or so).
  18. Like i said, i'd know roughly where i fitted in and what my value was. You're always going to ask for more than your're worth anyway, again that goes for any line of work. As a player you'll know how much the club rate you, and crucially how much they need you, so why pay somebody to negotiate for you? If the agent is capable of getting an extra 20% it's because the club, for whatever reason, are willing to pay it. So yeah, i'd just aim high and haggle. But like somebody else has said, most footballer are f***ing retards. Quoted for the truth.
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