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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Is there any need for this constant vitriol towards a man who has done a decent job for us when we've had nobody else to stand up and do it?
  2. If we actually manage to sign Cissokho, I would be very happy!
  3. Interesting, very interesting.....
  4. He stayed with Dalglish when he took over. Wasn't he here under Souness too? And then Roeder Terry Mac left after Guillit was appointed. Then brought back to the club by Souness and stayed until KK walked in 2008 (so he was here under Allardyce too).
  5. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php?action=profile;u=10574 This him? Looks like it.
  6. Actually I remember reading something about this....
  7. Nah, don't think any of the players do. Bah, right before the edit
  8. Doesn't Toon Army Mia post on here?
  9. What is the basis for this statement? Toon Army Mia posted that photo tonight. But really that photo is more than likely from the US tour.
  10. But like I say, I refuse to believe this. For me, he will start tomorrow and lead the team out of the tunnel at St. James'.
  11. It's not just on twitter In that case, I refuse to believe any reports talking about this.
  12. Regarding the latter part of that tweet, I reckon Forster could be off...... Quite a shame if so, simply because I would have liked to have seen him and Krul battle it out for the number 1 shirt. Although, he's been poor in pre-season, still don't think that's a true indication of anyone's abilities. However, if those that pick the team don't deem him good enough, then fair enough. Indeed, but really as it stands Krul is the number 1. Forster will be more than likely on the bench for the majority of the season imo so really it might be best for Forster to move on if he wants to improve/become a top keeper in the future.
  13. This sounds like a good plan. As it stands, Krul will be/is the number 1 at NUFC, so Forster will be more than likely on the bench. If the lad wants to improve, he needs to be starting games.
  14. Think Harper's got some sort of knee injury.
  15. Regarding the latter part of that tweet, I reckon Forster could be off......
  16. Yep, Souness brought Terry Mac back.
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