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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. If that's so, he only has himself to blame. If he applied himself more in training (like taking Nolan's offer of help) then he may not be in this position atm. I hope this is the case too.
  2. In the first half of the Championship, Smith was definitely a better option than Butt! But back to the subject at hand, Smith being told to leave............... :celb: YAY!
  3. I consider Caulkin to be a very reliable source. One of the first people I started following on Twitter actually.
  4. I predict that next season, it'll start well for Liverpool then ultimately falter away mid-season.
  5. Sifu


    I'd rather take the hit with Sir Chesney, blooding him like us with Krul than with Given, a keeper destroyed by injury and not playing. They need a keeper about to hit his prime, 27-29, established and not just a good shot stopper, someone with presence in the box, a good communicator and spot on distribution, none of which Given ever had even at the height of his powers. True that, as much as I loved Shay when he was with us (now that he's left, wish nowt but failure for him), he did lack the attributes you highlighted. But I reckon he can still do a job for Arsenal, in the short term anyway. EDIT: but then again, Szeczney playing for a full season will do him a lot of good and aid his development.
  6. Sifu


    Would be better than Arsenal's current options tbh.
  7. Glad I don't follow cwarr07!
  8. Sifu


    I agree to an extent but we are never going to spend the £20m required on an experienced ready made keeper. In an absolute ideal world we'd go out spend £20m on Reina and send Chesney on a real decent loan for 2/3 seasons then get most the money back on Reina, but I don't think that is feasible. A simple solution would be to sign Shay Given............
  9. That would be legendary
  10. Cruyff is understandable but Kissinger and Domingo??? Feck sake.
  11. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_6968733,00.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter An opera singer??
  12. Wouldn't complain if that is the case.
  13. Sifu


    You need an eye transplant. Yes I do, just had a look on google images so yeah the transplant made a difference
  14. That actually flatters her.
  15. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Exactly, I really can't see Nolan going anywhere. No club will pay the money to buy him out with 2 years left, no club will likely match his wages. He's going nowhere. Yep.
  16. Sifu


    Looks like Rooney may have wasted his money there. Honestly don't see any difference!
  17. Can't say I know much about Neil Taylor, but if he's brought in purely for backup, then by all means (I'll probably change my view if it turns out he's just like Perch......)
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