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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Bit of a belly on that 5th guy like....
  2. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    F***ing hell, £675000 a year?!?!
  3. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Taking the p*ss I hope? No not at all........... why is Nolan even being offered a new deal ? Him and his best mate are both important players but not irreplaceable, both getting on in footballing years and are lucky to be here. I am sick to fkn death of this "rejects new contract offer" bollocks. Transfer list them then, they don't want to be here then fine, if we signed the players we want Nolan should not even be in the starting 11 anyway. Why are you having a go at Nolan for being offered a new deal? f***s sake Basically bullshit from start to end this. Barton, and especially Nolan, mean a lot for the club and the spirit in the dressing room. As well as being great/decent footballers of course. We know nowt about what the new contracts say, but you can't blame them for not wanting to sign contracts which will give them less money than they have now. And yes, they do want to be here. Which is why they're being offered new deals...but you get the feeling that they're after similar wages to the likes of Ben Arfa, Tiote, Cabaye, etc. which they shouldn't be on imo. Didn't really think this was the case but now that I think about it, it's a very plausible explanation.
  4. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    I thought Barton was on record as saying that he would accept a wage cut? Yep, he did but I reckon Willie McKay whispered a few words into Joey's ear and managed to sway him.
  5. Sifu


    No decision yet then, this is going to be a long week/summer.
  6. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Mind you, I'm trying to be positive about the whole thing. But there's still that hint of paranoia in the back of my mind that basically says: "OMG, we're going to sell our captain and all our best players".
  7. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Well, this is crappy news But he's got 2 years left on his contract, so I'm not too worried. He won't leave this summer imo.
  8. What a fiasco that was. Can't believe he got a start... Ramage and Srnicek at the crux of the defense. Roeder, man. http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/6281/72872638yi6.jpg
  9. Sifu

    Sam Allardyce

    I still reckon Sir Alex ruined him mind (or rather that injury that took him our of the game for a year or so).
  10. Sifu


    http://mypict.me/show.php?id=kzX0o Joey's hat and sunglasses
  11. Sifu

    The England Thread

    I like how Crouch says he was "humiliated." Dickhead.
  12. He's so bloody negative. As is Moncur but at least he is countered by Lockwood's passion and over excitement. .. Ex players of yesteryear make bad commentators as they are so bitter. True, but not as bad Anderson imo.
  13. Exactly what i was thinking....... but (say it) in english lol That's great to hear!
  14. This thread wouldn't be complete without a Twitter takeover rumour tbh!
  15. Tbf to Ranger, whenever he's come off the bench, he has looked decent (almost like a potential game-changer).
  16. Now Gervinho has the time to make his announcement then
  17. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Making a Twitter account?
  18. Sifu


    Nothing is going to happen this week that isn't already nearly completed as Llambias is on holiday. Well, let's see what Gervinho has to say tonight (hopefully).....
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