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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. , not looking good according to that article.
  2. How much would you have won (if you don't mind me asking)?
  3. Maybe it's to benefit people with short-sighted vision so that there's the illusion that Jose hasn't actually left
  4. Sifu


    Oh well then, next (probably).
  5. The world is ending (I see what you're saying though).
  6. Not Gosling... Ryan Donaldson maybe ? Nope. One of the 300? If so,
  7. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Scott f***ing Parker. How he won Football Writers Player of the Year is one thing, playing for England shows Capello is absolutely useless at his job. Would rarther have Gareth Barry playing and I detest him. Let's not get overexcited here.
  8. Offered a new 5 year contract.
  9. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Crouch U-turn, http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/13683679.stm :
  10. Sifu


    I really get the sense from that interview that he was just specifically asked about that article (about Arsenal and City). I find it hard to believe that those clubs are looking at him to be honest (Arsenal because of the players they've got, and City because they could spend whatever amount of money on whatever player). The (reliable) French press have only really credited ourselves and Everton with an interest / bids. Agreed. Honestly couldn't see him fitting in at Shitty. If he does go there he'll most likely regret it come the end of the season having spent most of it on the bench. I concur. City honestly don't need Gervinho with all the other players at their disposal.
  11. Step up your interest, Mr Allardyce......
  12. Stephen Carr??? , (has done well for Birmingham tbf) Right......
  13. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Whatever the contract situation, Nolan will not leave this summer imho.
  14. £12 million, hmmm yeah I'm okay with that especially if we've offered more for Gervinho (and there's no guarantee we'll sign him).
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