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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Which everyone has known for a week. Yep.
  2. Sifu

    The England Thread

    They love him as he actually give's a f*** on the pitch, unlike the losers around him imo. I haven't seen Scott Parker play a f***ing excellent game since his Charlton days. Mourinho totally ruined the guy. Are you sure abouit this bit? I saw him have some superb performances in our colours (mostly befor ethe gladular fever) and he has been the shining light in West Hams season That game against Arsenal when we won 1-0 certainly springs to mind.
  3. Sifu


    Feck sake, another twist to this
  4. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    'If' being the most important word there. I'd not sell anyone until we're absolutely sure that we WILL get in replacements who are of a better quality. Nolan's proven as a Premiership midfielder, whatever else people might think of him. I think we can do better, but he's decent and I'd not want to end up in the situation where Nolan and Barton leave but then Gervinho et al tell us to sod ff and we have to sign Billy Bloggs from Droylsdon 3rd XI over 40s team as he's the only bugger left who'll come on August 31st. Definitely. i don't recall advocating we should mind No you didn't. I was more agreeing to the point that if we do sell someone this summer (which could definitely the case), there should be a replacement already in the shadows so that our squad doesn't become paper thin. I'm definitely against selling Nolan this season or next if you're wondering what I think.
  5. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    'If' being the most important word there. I'd not sell anyone until we're absolutely sure that we WILL get in replacements who are of a better quality. Nolan's proven as a Premiership midfielder, whatever else people might think of him. I think we can do better, but he's decent and I'd not want to end up in the situation where Nolan and Barton leave but then Gervinho et al tell us to sod ff and we have to sign Billy Bloggs from Droylsdon 3rd XI over 40s team as he's the only bugger left who'll come on August 31st. Definitely.
  6. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Being us, we can never rule anything out .
  7. Sifu


    So next month then. But really the signs aren't looking good. Like some of you have said, as soon as a club who can offer Champions League football turns up, then Gervinho will surely go there, we are his last choice. Don't the Newcastle Hierachy love the veil of silence/secrecy? Maybe they have said that If you say anything we will pull the plug? Possibly, we'll see. I'm not too confident about it mind.
  8. What an absolute mong.
  9. Sifu


    So next month then. But really the signs aren't looking good. Like some of you have said, as soon as a club who can offer Champions League football turns up, then Gervinho will surely go there, we are his last choice.
  10. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Journalism standards these days
  11. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Obviously willing to gamble, and with Fsa and Nolan's goals I'd say it's almost certain they'll come straight back up. Don't forget they've probably saved about Nolan's transfer fee letting leaches like Dyer go (exaggeration). They'll get good money for Parker, and have several sellable assets still to ship. Hmmm.
  12. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Aye, it doesn't make sense really. West Ham must have lost a lot of money for being relegated, they have the Olympic Stadium to worry about so where's the money coming from (especially when none of the players have been sold yet).
  13. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Worrying times tbh. But now that the bid is rejected, I'm going to take it as a sign that he's not going anywhere. I honestly don't believe that West Ham would up their bid.........they've just been relegated and £3 million is quite a chunk of a transfer budget for a Championship team.
  14. Sifu


    Barton, as subtle as ever
  15. They're roughly on the same lines, so yeah nowt new really.
  16. Just the 26 pages back: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,74307.msg2968407.html#msg2968407 Touché.
  17. And now the mood will somewhat shift again
  18. Didn't stop Ashley selling him CNZ. Do you reckon the hate is just one way? I reckon so! EDIT: but the again, Whelan would be mad to turn down £12 million................surely as a businessman, there's only positives to this potential deal?
  19. Sifu


    It's still the start of June, plenty of time to acquire players. (But this is NUFC we're talking about......)
  20. The fact that Whelan absolutely hates Ashley probably doesn't help our cause.....
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