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Everything posted by womblemaster

  1. it was a pen, clumsy challenge, ofcourse toores was quick to go down, being a soft s****, but was poor tackle by anita. btw i reckon title is between chelsea and man city this year...they are far improved on last year.
  2. womblemaster

    Papiss Cissé

    clearly out of form. Ba impressed me today. cisse looked very ave.
  3. without cisse inform and tiote at home......3-2 home win.
  4. womblemaster

    Ryan Taylor

    `Pardew told the Chronicle today: “I genuinely think Ryan is pushing for a place. “He has good players in front of him, but we will see.” Read More http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2012/08/24/ryan-taylor-gives-nufc-boss-a-selection-dilemma-72703-31686951/#ixzz24XhIYKyh i really hope there is nothing in this!!! hope this is only motivational hot air from pardew...worried. HE is really clueless about team selections at times.
  5. from the whyerlis, its sounded like the greek Cb wereuseless on crosses. So ba and shola could have a grand old time of it on the return leg...
  6. black bull in morpeth claim they gonna show the game.....if that helps anyone.....
  7. hope hes in team for thursday.....can fill in for benny, with the silky quality stuff.
  8. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/19279583 wh y is this being played on a weds? is there going to be one game a week on a weds from now on?
  9. the real reason manu are struggling.... rooney has a new passion in life, and footy has list its edge for him: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/376940_3729605234334_2044940864_n.jpg
  10. womblemaster

    Alan Pardew

    I fully expect derek to not spare any expense and get the right gear for the occasion..... http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb57887/starwars/images/e/e0/Lobot_SWSB.png
  11. Sorry i had taken off my L R wellies, the left indeed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carry_On_Cleo sinista/dexta
  12. dint be bloody naiive....this is french ego we are talking about.,,,and a football chairmans ego as well, ofcourse they are pissed iff.
  13. Gregory van der Wiel instead of debuchy?(chronicle)
  14. yes those Korean fans and their history of violence, its a real risk exposing british kids to such viscious foreigners.
  15. `West Ham are still trying to persuade Carroll to join them after having a £2m loan offer accepted by Liverpool.` offer 1.5m for 12month loan? if tthey (dekka et al) wanna penny pinch, sure that is good value. AC can easily get 12-15 goals during the season.(in all competitions). Management here seem like muppets at times.
  16. well she melts my butter.... http://www.birdforum.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=397361&d=1343815669 [/url] hmm technical probelms... link working?
  17. am trying very hard to not rub a brazillian friends nose in it. Shes at work atmo.....so i might just post on her wall: congrats Brazil played quite well today. that subtly annoying enough?
  18. GB women vs brazil @ wembley.....I bet they freeze infront of 75k
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