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Everything posted by Beezeri

  1. Last time I ordered it was Parker #17 and he was sold like a week from the delivery
  2. Just ordered the new home kit with 29 and Vuckic in the back! From my local web store it was 105£ with the badges and printing so I decided to get it from the official web site and I also got shorts, a cap, a scarve and a training t-shirt plus the delivery for the same total as the local shop
  3. Don't sell Andy Carroll, for starters. You can't say it wasn't a good deal! Carroll was never worth 35 million and seems to be struggling with injuries at the moment! DJ Campbell has scored as much and would you pay him more than 5 million at the moment
  4. We alwasy do good against better teams but how many points we did get against the worst 5 teams in the league?
  5. Beezeri

    Steven Taylor

    WTF....Pardew said in a BBC post match interview today that Taylor is a future England centre half Hasn't he realized how bad Taylor really is by now? And still he kept picking Williamson ahead of Taylor when he was fit.
  6. Just saw Brum's goal....what a horrible defending from us. What was Colo trying there and was it Saylor who tried to "block" the shot
  7. Wouldn't mind trying Ferguson at left winger and Jonas on the right
  8. Sharp is not exactly the right word to describe Nolan anyway...
  9. Can we really afford to put Smith(50k) and Taylors(50k & 30k) on the bench? Sell all if possible(if not give them for free). Those 3 guys alone would make 3 times a stadard Championship league level team total wage budget and they're not even playing for us...some waste of money indeed! We should go for young players who are in key role at their current clubs at lower level leagues such as Portugal, Romania, Czech etc and. That's the way to go for Ashley IMO
  10. Our two headless chickens Ranger and Kuqi would be more fun to watch at the least! Can't stand that donkey Ameobi anymore!
  11. There's not much options on the bench either! To be honest Ranger is NEVER going to score his first goal with his finishing ability!
  12. Well..the same goes with Shola as well Kuqi's touch isn't the best either but he would run the ball into the net
  13. How exactly Shola has managed to score those odd 5 goals per season in the PL with that kind of a technique?
  14. Look at the distance between our players? Such a huge gap between defence and attack...forces us to play long balls
  15. Ball watching defending again! Fucking mark your men and don't let them run free
  16. We've got no decent back-up players challenging the current first team so they clearly know it and don't care about losing their starting spot! Ferguson would be one and with the current form of Jose it's not a bad choice but it's obviously Pardew as he doesn't dare trying something like this
  17. Yet another deflected goal! Must be like 5th or 6th already behind Krul this season
  18. That's a fizzy pop league level bench if not League one
  19. Being realistic I took Liverpool(-1,0) @ 1,85 but the last time I bet against us was against MU(-1) at SJP and we all know the result Ameobi's due a performance for once! He has scored 2 goals in last 15 matches which tell a hell of lot of our striking force!
  20. Wish some Ameobi dude had a work rate like Shefki has! During those 15 minutes Shefki has done harm to opponents defences than Shola has for most of his games all season as he barely tries at all. On the other hand I don't like to see Shefki getting more time on the pitch as it's no use for the club not now or in the future but the guys like Airey and Ranger etc should be given a chance in the remaining games. Sell Shola ASAP...while he's still worth something!
  21. Would be great not cheap though...one natural left footed midfielder would make no harm
  22. Beezeri

    Alan Pardew

    Just your opinion indeed! Relegation was a blessing in disguise no doubt about it. Just look at our finances now and think about what would have happened if KK was still in charge knowing his willingness to spend way too much on average players. Hughton did an awesome job in the transfer market and I can't recall one bad deal(apart from Sol Campbell) in his era. Pardew has a whole lot to prove in the summer as his dealings doesn't seem very impressive so far(well...both two of his signings Kuqi and Ireland have been more or less dissappointments, HBA was CH's deal IMO). Loaning out our youngsters is one thing which has improved as they won't get ready for the challenge by playing against youth teams.
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