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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. http://www.toontastic.net/board/index.php?s=&showtopic=17518&view=findpost&p=416148 Make your mind up. class mackems.gif mackems.gif
  2. lovejoy

    Nigel De Jong

    things seem to be hotting up. its a shame the press dont have a fucking clue!
  3. Nicko said he is joining us. Nailed on. really???
  4. its aimar It's Aimar! is it? fuck me! get in!!!
  5. aimar i think Who? juan pablo aimar, argentinian attacking midfielder. apparently. although i'm not sure, anyone else know who he says it is?
  6. what a tosser this bloke is. 'im just showing off' - like he is the first person to mention this story? daft cunt.
  7. he also claims the mackems were in
  8. its aimar, he says he has chosen us over pompey and benfica
  9. It is and same as well. he hasnt posted it yet
  10. aye this is fucking mental!
  11. lovejoy

    Newcastle reserve

    Basically Benfield took it seriously. Like I've said, I watch them a canny bit, and they were pretty much as competitive as they are in their normal league games, and were at just about full strength. The kids were treating it like a kick-about/training session. Weren't that bothered. I can sort of understand that and it's only a (early) friendly, but even so, I think they should've put a bit more into the game. did patrick collins play?
  12. i think the reason we havnt done any photos is because one only signed on friday, and the other isnt in the country yet
  13. it was an injury apparently. just read it.
  14. dont know if its been posted elsewhere, but carlos cueller (spelling) pulled out of the rangers game at the last minute apparently. hopefully on his way here!
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