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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. possibly on loan according to .com
  2. i have to say i like him and have done since the first time i saws him against everton. as has been mentioned, lets leave him to develop, settle and learn. i think we'll end up with a solid player
  3. lovejoy

    what the f....

    was in the chron yesterday, if it was us appointing him/someone like him we would be slated, both in the press and on here.
  4. I think we will do a lot of business outside the UK our scouting setup looks like it is geared towards atm. I would like to see Keegan get out watching lower league football because he has a good eye for a player. "Very few of the players were looking at at the moment with regards to the future wont be being looked at by other clubs as well." That either suggests he's talking about young lads or players who are not that well known and are not playing in the more well known leagues. doesnt he mean the opposi with that quote? that most of the players he's looking at will be being scouted by others?
  5. All I said is that I would love to sign David Bentley - which I've been saying for ages - and the roof caved in thats true dave. i actually think LM's been practicing quite a bit of restraint in this thread, and I don't think he's said anything out of order. maybe thats just because im dreaming of Bentley too and really think we have a chance to bring him here Just pay what it takes to get him. I'm not talking silly figures here, but he will have his price. Pay it. Act like the big club we are and should act. Pay it and show everyone we mean business. That in itself will attract others. Its the only way. i have to say i agree 100%, it will attract others. i honestly believe if we had have got woodgate in jan then others would have followed, and if you believe the itk on the blackburn forum, who is usually spot on, we wanted bentley. i would absloutely love to see him here next season
  6. mick quinn says in this months mag, a player who turn us down for anther club outside the big 4 would be a 'dickhead'. 'newcastle is still a big move on any c.v and the banter between players still suggests that'.
  7. exactly, ashley can do what he wants, thats how business is. they made it out as if he had lost it at the dogs...but then again, even if he had, so fuck, its his money. they just couldn't stand giving us a back page of positivity, so thy had to put the 'loser' headline. cunts
  8. have you seen the celebration where he does that? he tries to squirt it first but the top is down, gutted for him!
  9. lovejoy

    The Spark

    precisely. as HTT says, many managers put their faith in their (best) players as oppose to being tactics mad. ask ac milan how tactically aware fergie is afetr their game(s) last season. its bollocks man. thats wrong lovejoy if you are making out he just picks his best players. i'm not, by any stretch. im suggesting that tactics are only a part of his talents as a manager, and a pretty small one at that. i think fergie's big strength is that he gets the best out of those who play for him, whether its ronaldo or park ji sung.
  10. i agree. didnt stop the cowards last week on sunday supplement suggesting he wont walk away this time as 'he cant afford to, his business' have not done well since he left man city'. disgusting. i fucking hate those cunts i realy do.
  11. i think you'll find 'good players' will be expensive this summer though with the amount of £ flying about
  12. we've done both and got burned....lets hope he buys the right players. spot on. and i reckon he will.
  13. based on what? his bad track record last time? give over man. Aye, he might break the world transfer record again. exactly. i thin i have found found one of the fuckers sitting near me today. honestly, these people are unreal man
  14. Why's that? f*** knows man. it would suggets he feels KK is bad in the transfer market. so..we have: his training methods are s**** and he only plays 5 a sides he is a tactical mong his teams cant defend for s*** he is gong ho and just attacks attacks attacks and now he doesnt spend money too well. owt else? f*** off man.
  15. based on what? his bad track record last time? give over man.
  16. lovejoy

    The Spark

    precisely. as HTT says, many managers put their faith in their (best) players as oppose to being tactics mad. ask ac milan how tactically aware fergie is afetr their game(s) last season. its bollocks man.
  17. beye was worth more than a 6.5 going from your other marks imo
  18. wasnt bad, went quiet in spells as it does, but we sang a lot more than we have recently. great cheer at the end as well! Was extremely edgy like. We'd have a good spell of passing and then if it unfortunately broke down the groans were ridiculous. Inevitable really given our current run though. aye, the groans are a f****** joke. and as much as i'm not a huge viduka fan, the amount of 'fat ozzie c***' cries that were thrown out around me just minutes after he had scored were pathetic. Aye the blokes sat behind me were absolute morons. Literally 2 minutes after he scored they were screaming at him for now closing down the keeper quick enough. f****** twats - its the same people all game who groan, whinge and boo even when we're doing well. Don't know why they bother going really. i wasn't a big fan of the boo-ing for the oba sub tbh Me neither, but theres a lot of stupid people in the ground who don't understand football and can't see past their favourite player. It was clear at the time that Geremi and Barton were being stretched further wide and Butt was a bit isolated in the middle. Made perfect sense to go 4-4-2 and Martins was just unfortunate to be the one to come off. exactly. makes you wonder who the fuck these people think they are.
  19. thank fuck for mike ashley. i hope we do well from next season, for his sake as well as ours
  20. wasnt bad, went quiet in spells as it does, but we sang a lot more than we have recently. great cheer at the end as well! Was extremely edgy like. We'd have a good spell of passing and then if it unfortunately broke down the groans were ridiculous. Inevitable really given our current run though. aye, the groans are a f****** joke. and as much as i'm not a huge viduka fan, the amount of 'fat ozzie c***' cries that were thrown out around me just minutes after he had scored were pathetic. Aye the blokes sat behind me were absolute morons. Literally 2 minutes after he scored they were screaming at him for now closing down the keeper quick enough. f****** twats - its the same people all game who groan, whinge and boo even when we're doing well. Don't know why they bother going really. i wasn't a big fan of the boo-ing for the oba sub tbh
  21. wasnt bad, went quiet in spells as it does, but we sang a lot more than we have recently. great cheer at the end as well! Was extremely edgy like. We'd have a good spell of passing and then if it unfortunately broke down the groans were ridiculous. Inevitable really given our current run though. aye, the groans are a fucking joke. and as much as i'm not a huge viduka fan, the amount of 'fat ozzie cunt' cries that were thrown out around me just minutes after he had scored were pathetic.
  22. wasnt bad, went quiet in spells as it does, but we sang a lot more than we have recently. great cheer at the end as well!
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