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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. p.s - macdermott's son plays fro carlisle
  2. lets hope he stays away from the chairmans daughter...apparently the last manager didnt
  3. I don't generally find things on there objectionable other than their pompous attitude, but encouraging people to effectively boycott a business is wrong. It's nowt to do with them in my opinion. Your analogy about TV makes me laugh tbh. Do you believe in censorship and classification of films on TV? Or do you believe the most sicko films you can imagine should be shown at any time of the day on the basis there is an on/off switch? My opinion on TV programmes and films has nothing to do with it. Back to the Rosies issue. They are not "encouraging" anyone to do anything. They are explaining a situation and giving people the opportunity to make their own decision. Just because .com has said they will not be going into a pub does not mean that no-one else should. The NUFC.com grog budget will no longer be spent in Rosie's as a result of this - and we would urge anyone and everyone to join us encouraging and urging are not to different imo
  4. . If you find some of their articles annoying or you dont like the way they premote stuff. Dont bother browsing NUFC.Com in future. Problem solved. If you find some posts on here annoying or you don't like the opinion of some people to stuff, don't bother browsing nufc-online in future. Problem solved. agreed mate
  5. . If you find some of their articles annoying or you dont like the way they premote stuff. Dont bother browsing NUFC.Com in future. Problem solved. if they dont want to be criticised, then they shouldn't put it on the WORLD WIDE web. problem solved! as i said they do write some great pieces, but this sort of shit is annoying. a couple of things they have done over teh past 12 months, like selling out wherever possible hasnt done them any favours with many many people who used to visit regulalry. i dont look on there half as often as i used to, this is now my first port of call, and im sure im not the only one. but as has been said its their site, so its up to them, but they have to accept crirticism
  6. just another example of them being mongs aas i stressed in the other thread. they do write some great stuff at times in fairness, but this sort of shite is annoying. i would sue the arse off them if i was the new owner at rosie's.
  7. rio's over-rated. always said it. he gets knocked off the ball far to easily for a big lad. he couldnt lace woodgates boots (if he was ever fit)
  8. i said we should have signed heskey when birmongham went down, everyone laughed apart from HTT i think, but i still stand by it. him and owen have always done well together
  9. sorry to rock the boat...but i think leeds fans should be pretty happy to get freddy.
  10. another thing, clean the outside of the stadium, its scruffy as fuck!
  11. a tv channel would be absoloutely awesome, but im sure nufc world was a sort of trial in the past, i.e if enough signed up to it they could warrant getting a channel? could be wrong. the p.s system is shocking, especially in the south east corner. bring back alan robson. get rid of alan oliver. never, ever, ever stoop to music after goals.
  12. Pixel boy reminds me of Joey Barton for some reason. exactly what i thought!
  13. lovejoy

    Do We Need Faye?

    i was with a load of bolton fans yesterday who are absoloutely gutted he has left. an older bloke pointed out his mate who said that he isnt sleeping at the minute becauise of boltons state and the fact they have just 'given away' one of their best players. he said '£2m? £2m? he's worth ten the lad, great player' so its a big thumbs up from his old fans by the looks of it!
  14. i think it will be 4-4-2 with either smith or geremi on the right. cant understand why he wouldnt put enrique on the bench though?
  15. no, they wernt signed in time, had to be done by noon today to play tomorrow.
  16. my sources tell me that olivier won't be offered a new contract but i would like to see him get another chance
  17. speaking to a bolton fan yesterday who is gutted about faye leaving. not to chuffed about johnson personally, but he has to be better than carr, and it further strengthens our options in that position. cant see him costing much either.
  18. lovejoy


    they have since added this, again, well said lads. BBC: Boro biased cobblers Tuesday night's edition of the BBC's local news programme Look North made no attempt at balance in their reporting of Sunday's Tees-Tyne game - preferring instead to take the opportunity to slate all things black and white. Despite being broadcast in a studio on Tyneside, the sports segment presented by an odd pair indulged in some good old-fashioned misrepresentation of events at the Riverside. Bumbling twit Mark Tulip initially tried to accuse Newcastle fans of homophobia before reading his autocue properly to drop in that new buzz word, Islamophobia (or is Islamaphobia - there's probably an explanatory wallchart free with The Guardian this weekend). His sidekick meanwhile (some Radio5 cheeky boy) contenting himself with waving some Teesside rag round his head and providing unfunny and inaccurate comments on the segment of match footage. Aside from some lame digs at Mike Ashley, this pair of clowns struggled to hide their disappointment at Newcastle's failure to lose the game - and we thought mackem Jeff Brown was biased. And guess what? Footage of Mido in front of the Newcastle fans was stopped just before the first of his two-fingered salutes - it obviously never happened then and as well as racists we're all liars. Let's hope the FA actually take the time to canvas opinion from both sides before just regurgitating the twaddle that some newspapers printed as the BBC look to have done.
  19. lovejoy


    aye, its a very good piece that
  20. we are stupid if we sell. i agree he shoud maybe be dropped to make way for cacapa as he has had a bit of a dodgy start to the season, but no way should we sell. he's young and inexperienced, mistakes happen.
  21. doesnt faye play rb as well? or is that me being daft?
  22. also, if we are going 4-3-3, then lets hawk michael owen around to other clubs now.
  23. i said it when i walked out of the reebok last week, we cant play like that at home. 4-3-3 away is not a problem, but at home it just wont work. if we had gone 4-4-2 yesterday we would have done them imo
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