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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. Because I think he's rubbish. Why would he be me? You quite clearly know i'm not Fraser Forster. So why did you add that line? i think its due to the fact that you used to claim to be him??? in jest of course I joked about it many moons ago tbh. and??? im simply saying thats why dave made the 'if its you...' joke
  2. Because I think he's rubbish. Why would he be me? You quite clearly know i'm not Fraser Forster. So why did you add that line? i think its due to the fact that you used to claim to be him??? in jest of course
  3. he never wanted to leave liverpool??? must have been someone else who pushed for the move to madrid then was it?
  4. could this be anal's 'twist in the tale'
  5. sven, houllier, big sam anyoen of those three would do me !! big sam still my first choice though, then GH, then sven, but all good!
  6. cant see him leaving this summer, but definately next if we dont make great strides. he owes us a year, and he knows it, he cant come here and be injured for 2 years, let us pickup the tab and then do one when he i in (apparently) the best shape of his life. we'll get a year out of him, im convinced of that
  7. marvellous news. delighted. good luck sam! and well done to the board on this one
  8. on the this football thing, we havnt played any for a few years now anyway!
  9. they win though. that'll do me. plus i think allardyce is clever enough to adapt his style to work with what he has got
  10. he was there about a year, or even less. dont realy think he can be credited with much at all!
  11. 'its sam allardyce, its as clear cut as that' whether he is right or wrong, dont think he could have said much more tbh!
  12. 'others like sven, maclaren, van gaal wont even be in the frame'
  13. 'its sam allardyce, its as clear cut as that'
  14. hope he goes, and i hope he takes clarkie with him
  15. what a numpty!! quality!
  16. keith baret say he's been sacked. thats enough for me!
  17. lovejoy

    Sven or Big Sam?

    would rather big sam, but sven would do
  18. So what are you saying - stick with Roeder? Yes, if the only other options are Sven or Big Sam.. jesus skirge
  19. lovejoy

    No testimonial?????

    Is the right answer. Next? could you explain why other players have had theirs whilst still playing for their clubs then?? just a question like? Nope, can't explain that. What's with all the arsey comments, btw, NUFCNutter? Jamie gave the reason and i backed it up - what on earth was wrong with that? it was the cockey way you did it mate, and were wrong. pissed me off an'arl
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