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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. £6m! take their hands off! guaranteed we will be sitting here this time next season wishing we had.
  2. lovejoy

    Players in public

    martins lives just off the coast road. black ferrari and silver porsche cayenne on the drive I always notice a black Cayenne Turbo S with Italian plates when i'm going along the Coast Road, just before Coach Lane if you're coming from Town, does he live near there? yep! thought it was silver, must be black. check out the ferrari thats on there as well
  3. lovejoy

    Players in public

    martins lives just off the coast road. black ferrari and silver porsche cayenne on the drive Coast Road, longggggggggggggggg road i've got one of them, drinks petrol! Mate of mine has just bought a 4 litre XK8, more money then sense.. jesus christ! they are a few quid!
  4. lovejoy

    Players in public

    i've got one of them, drinks petrol!
  5. lovejoy

    Players in public

    martins lives just off the coast road. black ferrari and silver porsche cayenne on the drive
  6. woodgate slow? jesus, i have heard it all
  7. lovejoy

    Alan Ball Dies

    dont think anyone has cottoned on to my 'joke' yet. he always spoke so highly of everyone. boom boom. (im going to burn in hell)
  8. lovejoy

    Alan Ball Dies

    real shame, he always spoke so highly of everyone. sorry. r.i.p
  9. may have already been posted but game changed when gattusso went off
  10. Meanwhile, Newcastle have been linked with the Lille defender Nicolas Plestan. Roeder is determined to rebuild his defence this summer and is preparing to lose at least three senior stoppers - with Titus Bramble and Craig Moore both out of contract and Oguchi Onyewu preparing to return to Standard Liege. Sources in France have reported Plestan is a Tyneside target, although Portsmouth are also understood to be interested in bringing the 25-year-old to England. http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/journalsport/tm_headline=glenn-gives-royal-seal-of-approval-to-amazing-comeback%26method=full%26objectid=18953312%26siteid=50081-name_page.html
  11. apparently ray ranson (plus consortium) has offered £90m for them plus a £20m transfer kitty. pearce could be out of a job i reckon
  12. lovejoy

    Joey Barton

    i would like to think they would have spoken to the manager and board first and seen no change so then took this action. would still love parker to come out with these things as its what we are all thinking anyway
  13. lovejoy

    Joey Barton

    neither should they, they should be paying him extra for having the ambition and not going through the motions amd collecting his bit like most of ours do
  14. lovejoy

    Joey Barton

    wish we had someone to say it. i think its more ambitious than unprofessional tbh, the fans are thinking it, so why should they have to put up with more bullshit from the players via the media -'we are confident next season' blah blah bollocks. as i said, wish we had someone with those balls
  15. lovejoy

    Joey Barton

    they must be pleased they have someone with the balls to say it
  16. what a little prick if true. cant say i would be too sad to see him go like. it still takes the piss that he is going to let us pay him through one injury after another, and then as soon as he looks to be sorted, ask for a transfer. i didnt think he looked interested yesterday
  17. it was a toss up between butt and milner for me. i went butt in the end but the more i think about it, i should have gone milner. sorry!
  18. lovejoy


    the guardian reckon he could be going to arsenal as wengers dof
  19. another false dawn. he still isnt good enough
  20. buy out clause or not, he wont go imo. it will ruin his reputation letting us pay him for 2 years while he lay ther einjured. we'll get next season out of him, and then unless we make great leaps, he'll be off next summer
  21. the blokes a fucking media whore. he will soon realise that people take much less an interest in what he says now he isnt at man utd. well done gay roy, you've made yourself look a prized twat, again.
  22. lets get this right, owen isnt fit to play reserves but may be fit to face chelsea yet amoebi is fit to play reserves but isnt against chelsea? sounds about right
  23. i guess im alone in thinking it was a canny read then eh
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