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Everything posted by STM

  1. STM

    St James' Park

    Love stuff like this. As long as the ground is still in the city centre, I wouldn't mind it moved a few yards for extra capacity. It must be unique though. It has to have something different to every other stadium. Spurs can fuck off. I want a one like the Allianz or that Birds nest thing in China.
  2. It's not a case of his sacking being "rubber stamped" by PIF. I think it's more a case of our chairman sitting down with Staveley over the weekend and talking through her business plan, which will include the makeup of the boardroom, the structure of the club, the purpose of a DOF, who they want as manager and of course investment into all areas of the club. Yes they could sack Bruce today but PIF are going to want to know why (especially since 8m quid is needed) and they are also going want to know the plans for the future. Bruce is a small part in a bigger picture which is being discussed behind closed doors. Big, big money is involved and that takes time and planning.
  3. What does that even mean though? I sometimes think people fail to live in the real world. Like it or not, politics, human rights, sportswashing etc isn't even in the conscious of some lad in Byker wanting to go and watch his team. It's not because they are "ignorant" or "callous", which is just virtue signalling btw. Its because they are human and humans are selfish by their very nature. I find it far more ignorant that someone should feel the need to tell someone how they should feel, what they should prioritise and what they should think. Just leave people be. If you want to protest against this stuff, great, more power to you but it doesn't make others bad or ignorant, they are just probably going about their lives trying to make ends meet. (Not a rant aimed specifically at you.)
  4. It's not that I don't sympathise with those living over there, it's that I don't see how me supporting a football team makes the slightest bit of difference. More over, I don't see what people raising the human rights issues are achieving. What do you want me specifically to do? Protest? Not go to games? Our government and previous governments and all governments around the world recognise them as a legitimate state and are dealing with them as such. I find it hard to believe that me sacrificing my support of a football team is the straw that breaks the camels back. Should something be done? Absolutely, but not by me and I won't feel guilty because I didn't throw my shirt in the bin because of this deal.
  5. I hope the fans tear Bruce to strips and send a message to the new owners.
  6. STM

    St James' Park

    If we are going to build a stadium, chances are there will be some sort of training facility attached to it, or smaller pitch, so that would have to be factored in.
  7. I highly doubt that Bruce is popular with the players, given the lack of interest they give him on the touchline.
  8. STM

    St James' Park

    Sure it's been mentioned before but NUFC don't own the land that SJP is on, it's currently leased to them by the freemen of Newcastle. I presume their would be no objection on their part but bare that in mind.
  9. STM

    Transfer rumours

    There are a lot of agents using Newcastle to get their players names in the shop window.
  10. All this shit will stop when the PL matches return. Nowt else for them to write about.
  11. Already fed up with the speculation. Whoever it is, my advice is get behind them. They aren't going to be an Ashley stooge, they are going to get backed with decent players and if it doesn't work out long term, at least we have directors who want the team to win. If its Lampard, OK he's not my cup of tea but he's got a bit of clout reputation wise, he will bring along a decent backroom team and we won't be the laughing stock of the league. There's barely a name on the lists I have seen who wouldn't satisfy me for the short term. If we can stop the rot, get up the league in the next couple of seasons, we can make a better appointment then. If there was a chance of a short term appointment, that would be ideal.
  12. Heard him say similar on talksport but don't worry he's still going. Some right babies knocking about.
  13. When someone doesn't agree with me, I will just insist that they aren't smart to understand what I am saying. That will work.
  14. Oh great, I've found the virtue signalling thread.
  15. It's weird because I'm not convinced Lampard would be the right choice but I'm just happy to have a normal discussion about normal footballing things, rather than the impending feeling of Alan Curbishley brushing off the cobwebs.
  16. Lampard wouldn't be my choice but if it's him I will get behind him.
  17. Look, should he be gone already? Probably but it's no sweat. I'm sure they have their reason why it isn't done yet. It might sound daft but perhaps the first team coach being sacked in week one, wasn't on the top of their agenda. I mean, I've never spent 300m on a football club but I imagine there's a fair bit of paperwork and legal shit to sort out, never mind contracts, sponsorship, finance, commerce etc.
  18. STM

    David Squires

    Its this one minded tunnel think that sees the left lose every election going. Its virtue signalling tripe. The saudis are cunts. No two ways about it but we as a country are either dealing with them or we are not. If we aren't, then no arms, no oil and a boycott of everything Saudi influenced but that decision comes from the government not Newcastle fans. I suspect that we are much more likely to change things for the better if we have MORE links to the Saudis and they edge towards a less conservative frame of mind but then what do I know.
  19. Don't suppose it matters if they are changing management soon. As long as he's gone for Sunday.
  20. New contract in the next month I reckon. Need to give him a very big wage because that will send ripples that we mean business.
  21. I assume we are trying to find his replacement before sacking him. That can be the only logical explanation for the hold up. If anyone is worried, just remember that not once has he been mentioned on the clubs social media and not once has anyone come out in support of him from the top.
  22. Rodgers would be incredible. He might feel like he's ready for a move. Seems quite unlikely though.
  23. The mackems hated the twat. Says volumes that even the vermin rumbled him.
  24. Amazing watch fly on the wall footage of the people who are running the club engaging with club staff and fans. I feel like it's all a big practical joke that everyone else is in on, except me and that someone is going to go "suprise", like it was some big wind up. I'm like a wifey who's ex partner used to batter them and can't bring himself to trust the new fella. I'm mean, why are they being so nice?
  25. NE5 was just miserable and condescending though. He also painted Freddy Shepherd out to be a Saint, despite the fact he was running the club into the ground himself.
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