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Everything posted by STM

  1. Rafa won't leave Everton because he has a contract and Everton won't accept any amount for him because it would be a terrible decision. Its a non starter.
  2. You are right that Everton wouldn't let Rafa go in any circumstance but you are off your tits if you think any PL club has the morals to turn down Saudi money. Besides, it's not Saudi money, it's Newcastle United money for the time being.
  3. 53 minute Roy asks why some managers get 8 or 9 chances in management and Gary talks about the fact that Keane doesn't play "the game", with the media. Watch it. Sound familiar boys?
  4. @Ando7point us in the right direction.. I don't expect a name but something to guess at?
  5. Please be Bielsa, Please be Bielsa, Please be Bielsa.
  6. Yeah, TG no longer annoys me like he used to. He gets very good points across. I suppose it's because he has no reason to lie or skew facts. TV punditry is dying. YouTube and Fan podcasts are killing them
  7. Watch this and tell me Eddie Howe is a PFM.
  8. The sheer beauty of the man will get fans onside. Imagine him strutting down the touchline at SJP, turning the likes of Murphy, Manquillo, Lewis and Longstaff into passable Premier league players because he took the time to coach them. Jeez he might even get some use out of Joelinton.
  9. Says I need to get an account.
  10. Can someone post that Torygraph article?
  11. He's done an interview with SSN. Please don't let yourself down Allan. By all means say that you liked Steve Bruce but don't touch the "abused" stuff with a barge pole.
  12. Chopra about to tear brucey a new one on SSN.
  13. Bruce's biggest achievement is that I now hate him more than Pardew, which was virtually inconceivable. Did he get abuse? Yes, probably but the blokes been in football for 40 years or more, you can't tell me that he's only just noticed that football fans can get a bit touchy. The man failed. He can't accept he failed because he's shit. He has to convince everyone there was some grand conspiracy and that he's the victim in the affair. Again we have fallen foul of a footballing dinosaur trying to cling onto the game they so dearly love. If he'd really wanted to stay in the game, he should have taken a couple of years out of the game about 10 years ago and went on some coaching courses. There is a reason people like Roy Hodgson manage to hang around in the game, it's because he is a student of the game. He went abroad, learned his craft and even learned a couple of languages and cultures in the process. Bruce wasn't willing to learn. I suspect somewhere around the time he captained Man Utd to a league title, he figured he knew everything there was to know about the game. Boy was he wrong. The fact he has clocked up 1000 games in England is more to do with there still being footballing dinosaurs in boardrooms. Some of them still haven't twigged that the game has changed, so they go through the cycle of hiring the faces they know and people that the like, rather than educating themselves. The best indicator of what other fans really think of Bruce is when you ask them if they would have him. They all say no, even Norwich have progressed past people like Bruce. Even the top end championship clubs have. It's over Steve and it has been for a long time.
  14. Just wait until we are pumping teams. They will change their tune.
  15. Anyone who feels offended should feel privileged with the opportunity to feel offended. Being offended is all the rage these days. I mean these days it's perfectly acceptable to be offended on behalf of another culture. Great stuff. Meanwhile, while the left indulges in this absurd wokeism or virtue signalling affair, the rest of the country collectively says "fuck that", at the polls and we end up with a malevolent conservative government who do real damage to people's lives.
  16. If he's half decent he will be able to get a tune out of Wilson, Almiron, Maxi and Willock to get us some decent wins at home.
  17. Proper left wing cry arsing. Nobodies actually offended past a roll of the eyes. People need to grow up.
  18. Probably been mentioned but I seem to remember everyone including the media having a chuckle when we had a French day including fans dressed in berets and onions. France must be the only country left that you are allowed to culturally appropriate.
  19. Don't half get the feeling they have been tipped off. SSN aren't going to be saying Bruce will be sacked after last week, they just won't risk it again.
  20. Didn't Ranieri? It's not that uncommon.
  21. Sky desperate to say Fonseca is the new manager, without actually saying it.
  22. To be fair, I'm not even pissed off he's still here anymore. I'm just excited to see a new manager come in and give me something to support.
  23. Who for? Us? Rafa did sign the occasional shite mind and in fairness he probably won't Ibe at a much more reasonable price.
  24. Absolutely. At a certain point you need more infrastructure, a bigger stadium, a bigger wage bill and fresh ideas at a boardroom level. How long was he there? 8 years or something. Astonishing really.
  25. Also I think Howe was naive when it came to transfers. Jordan Ibe comes to mind. Perhaps a smarter approach in terms of transfers would help him do his job.
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