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Everything posted by STM

  1. Scott Carson nearly had that!! His zimmer wheels were a millimetre off.
  2. Can we change the title to "Alex's Bruce sucks off his fatha"?
  3. Yeah was never a pen. Klopp is a cunt.
  4. Sometimes makes you wonder whether even a numpty like Charnley can see through this fraud. He's such an irritating cunt I'm surprised he has so many friends in the footballing community.
  5. Did Rafa ever fo a talksport interview? My first question as a journalist would have been, "why did you do an interview with talksport?" There is nothing to be gained by talking to them. He could have easily done an off camera, in depth interview with and local journalist and it would have served his agenda better.
  6. Most hated: 1. Bruce- Played to local card when getting the job, complains to his chums about the fans despite the ground being empty +shite football. 2. Souness- Took a European club and nose dived it into the ground. I mainly hate him because of the bullshit he talks in the press about us. 3. Pardew- Equally a cunt as the two above but what brings him in at 3 is that he at least doesn't bad mouth us in the press since he left and he had one good season that we can look fondly on. 4. Carver- A total laughing stock who ruined his legacy as being SBRs number 2. Its nothing to do with him being a shit manager, it was the nonsense he spoke and starting a fight with the fans. 5. Kinnear- Uncle buffoon who had no place managing us but genuinely didn't feel like he disliked the fans or the club. Also his embarrassing moments were hilarious.
  7. Kinnear whilst senile was nowhere near as unbearable as Pardew and Bruce. Kinnear had an uncle vibe about him. Decent enough bloke, just way out of his depth.
  8. Funny how he talks about being picked on by journalists, yet if memory recalls it was him who was acting aggressive and intimidating journalists a few months back.
  9. It's so fake too. This guy played football in the late 80s and early 90s the fans now are kittens in comparison. "This job comes with a health warning," he always says. Since when did he start caring about his health?
  10. Since when did it become OK to be an absolute Cunt and then whilst taking the flack for being a Cunt, then say "look, abuse!"?
  11. Could see us targeting Lookman again.
  12. In all seriousness, any damning evidence against the PL is going to come from leaked emails. Probably from a so called big six club asking the PL to block it. Masters has more to lose by illegally blocking a takeover, than he does to gain. Unless someone can prove that he as an individual gains by this.
  13. Wonder if we could get GCHQ to help us out? Or better still let's open Bletchley Park and dig up Alan Turing.
  14. Not believing a takeover will go through = not wanting a takeover to go through, is just pure bollocks. I want a takeover to happen, I'm just not anywhere near convinced it will happen. I'm certainly not holding my hopes on that Keith fella or some local journalists who are milking every tit bit for their own gain. Fwiw, I also don't subscribe to the Luke Edwards view that the takeover definitely won't happen and the Bruce is a good manager. It's perfectly acceptable to draw the line somewhere in between. A foreign concept to this thread, I know.
  15. Not really. Leicester just remembered how much better they are than us for 15 minutes.
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