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Everything posted by STM

  1. Hes not said alot wrong there. I think what annoys me is the concentration on sport. If this journalist has a portfolio of articles on Saudi Arabia and how our government deals with them, then I suppose hes earned the right to talk about it. If his first article on the Saudi regime is related to the owning football clubs, then hes kind of missing the point. I think he's an intelligent Lad and knows all about Saudi Arabia but he's a football journalist...truth hurts doesn't it. Out of the frying pan and into the fire we go... The truth doesnt hurt me whatsoever. :lol: Like I say, our government can deal in arms with the Saudis but I cant enjoy some football which is partially funded by them? Na, fuck off.
  2. Hes not said alot wrong there. I think what annoys me is the concentration on sport. If this journalist has a portfolio of articles on Saudi Arabia and how our government deals with them, then I suppose hes earned the right to talk about it. If his first article on the Saudi regime is related to the owning football clubs, then hes kind of missing the point.
  3. You lot are a bunch of weirdos. The mood switches in here like a lass on her rag. If a takeover wasnt happening Ashley would have quashed it ages ago man. Especially since his favourite thing in the world is disappointing Newcastle fans.
  4. Bottom paragraph is basically what most journalists have been saying. Discussions have already gone on. I suspect the club will see a DOF as a priority before manager.
  5. Is Hope not one of the only ones who been critical of Bruce recently? Is he not the one who had a clash about ASM? Hope isnt going to tow the party line for Bruce. If hes been told Bruce is being kept on for a bit, I'm sure it's the truth. I dont trust Hope at all. The French guy has more contact and even last week he called this takeover. He said Rafa comes I trust him more than the local Journo's. Is that not because it's what you want to believe? I think Rafa will return too, just not on day 1.
  6. He might get a few games but hes not getting a transfer window under new owners. That would be a quick way to burn money. Why even few games. There are no games until June. Bring Rafa and let him sort out the mess this guy created. Because sacking everyone you dont like on the first day is a terrible business plan. If they are going to do it properly they are going to use the knowledge of the people on the ground, so they can get acquainted with the day to day stuff before wielding the axe. Common sense.
  7. Is Hope not one of the only ones who been critical of Bruce recently? Is he not the one who had a clash about ASM? Hope isnt going to tow the party line for Bruce. If hes been told Bruce is being kept on for a bit, I'm sure it's the truth.
  8. He might get a few games but hes not getting a transfer window under new owners. That would be a quick way to burn money.
  9. Makes perfect sense for any new owners to buy themselves time. We dont even know what fixtures will be played at this point, or when transfer windows will open and close. Everyone under the sun knows that Bruce will be sacked once they have got their ducks in a row.
  10. Top four, that's all I want. Do what we have to do. The day I hear that theme tune at SJP again is the day when I truly fall back in love.
  11. Not without expanding on the 'prefer if he didn't' bit Hes a great manager and he would be good for us again but if I'm honest I would to see someone with a touch more attacking intent.... what am I saying, fuck it bring Rafa home.
  12. On the first sentence, I suspect we all have reservations, no matter how small. Normally takeovers dont get dragged out in public and fans only find out when it happens. When you think about it, they cant really say anything until the inks dry. What if they announced a takeover was happening and it fell through, however unlikely that is? All parties would look stupid. The first statement from MA will be some bullshit about him selling for the good of the club.
  13. I dont think I can stomach getting into bed with these scumbags.... I mean, I'm ok with the Saudis but Staveley and the Reubens are Tories.
  14. I would obviously be happy if Rafa came back but I'd prefer if he didnt... does that make sense?
  15. I'm just waiting for his "I said I'd sell the club to someone who could take it forward" banter. Like hes responsible for any future success. Fuck him. He can have his little moment.
  16. Very emotional at the thought of this happening and not because I'm desperate for some Man City esq payload but just at the thought of the club one day stepping out to the champions league theme. That's where we belong and always have done.
  17. Cant wait for this cunt to get binned.
  18. We are already getting guilt tripped on the KSA human rights angle. Fuck off man. The UK government sells them arms and the bloke has met the queen, but no its Newcastle fans who should feel shame.
  19. Depends when checks started. Depends how much PL have got on atm. Fuck knows.
  20. So much for the, you dont find out anything until it's done craic. :lol: They have left more breadcrumbs than a couple of german kids in a forest.
  21. it's a foregone conclusion anyways man, PL don't knock back money that will feed into the brand How long does it usually take?? seen 4 weeks quoted in various articles, prior to today i wonder if they'll be pushing like crazy to get it done before the lockdown is over Noone knows when they started, TBF. PL have kept quiet.
  22. it's a foregone conclusion anyways man, PL don't knock back money that will feed into the brand Oh I know, cant invite the cunts to Buckingham Palace and have the PL turning down their money. I dont think this thing is a foregone conclusion because by this point I'm like just exhausted. If it happens, I'm cans like everyone else. For now, I'm still keeping my head down.
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