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Everything posted by STM

  1. STM

    Sir Bobby speaks....

    "have been out of the club for three years and the board have made their decision." Does this mean the man is already chosen. I can only imagine it is big sam then.
  2. Houllier is at another club and has denied any links with us. I don't understand where the words Houllier and Options cross paths TBH. Noone else realise this is the mystic shit that Anal writes?
  3. A view from somebody who actually knows what they are talking about. Good enlightening read.
  4. Sadly, alot of people read into his twaddle. When i go into work people will go "how man, houllier wants the toon job" and everytime i have to correct them and make them learn about the tosser that is anal oliver.
  5. I can understand wanting to take your time and see all options but sometimes that can work against you. Alot agree that Sam's a very good candidate for the job and if Fred agrees he should waste no time in getting his man.
  6. I find it highley amusing that litterally a couple of hours after Oliver said "Houllier has thrown his hat into the ring". Houllier says "I have not thrown my hat in the ring". Oliver is a mong TBF.
  7. I was talking about what he did as Technical Director of the French FA, rather than as manager of Liverpool. But it's true that Houllier's French imports had nothing like the impact of Wenger's, and his youth policy at the club was criticised for relying too much on young French players who didn't cut it. Haha, sorry mate. Actually, i wasn't aware of his french F.A stuff. If that's his doing, he did a cracking job. Although, i thought Roeder was doing a cracking job with our youth team and he was a shite manager.
  8. Even though there's 2 possibly better candidates available (and more importantly, interested) now? That's your opinion mate. I'm sure if we had a poll we would have many different opinions, as will fred. If Fred hears of these names and still decideds Sam is the one he wants then he shouldn't waste any time.
  9. Disagree nut. If he has decided Sams the man he wants, i'd rather he went out and got him.
  10. That was my arguement for Houllier. To be fair both of them played a big part in the influx of french players but how many of them were a success at anfield?
  11. It's that same arrogance that makes Barton the player he is. The same as Rooney, Zidane, Ronaldo, Cantona and Keane. Footballing wise he shouldn't be said in the same sentence as them but he has a fantastic ability and will be a top player. Watch this space......
  12. "How many Frenchmen are playing in the Premiership? Thank Houllier.", nowt to do with a Mr Wenger then Ozzie?
  13. It's true like. I think Houllier has had his day in the sun. Allardyce has the potential to be great.
  14. I don't see any reason why we can't hire him now. Not to manage the last game but he can go and watch.
  15. Change the thread title to Agent denies Sven link.
  16. I'm just happy that there is apparently three, what i would call, "top" managers after the job. This doesn't make Freds job any easier but it's a nice problem to have. Watch us end up with Steve Bruce.
  17. Sven Goran Erikkson? Sam Allardyce? Gerard Houllier? Makes you wonder how we ever appointed Roeder or Souness as managers.
  18. Uefa cup, F.A cup and league cup i believe. Can anyone confirm?
  19. Its a mix of the two most popular answers. He got the idea when he quit bolton and that was extra incentive when we bood at blackburn. Duh!
  20. I'd have KK back here, not as manager though. Get him in as a director of football, signings were his strong suit. Kevin Keegan and Sam Allardyce, now that would be mouth-watering.
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