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Everything posted by STM

  1. Better record than Martins and Owen. You could also count his goal in Shearers testimonial. bluewink.gif All i want is Roeder to give him a run in the team. Now is his chance.
  2. STM

    luque 14/1

    Anyone know where i can watch the goal?
  3. Repeat of last year. Man City away...... Souness OUT chants, the next day Souness gone. If we get a beating off Man city then i can see it happening
  4. Proving how little you know really. Brambles stats for European games are good for a CB :- 06/07 6 games 1 goal - Europe 05/06 Not in Europe 04/05 6 games 0 Goals - Europe We crumbled when Bramble and Dyer left the pitch 03/04 11 games 3 goals - Europe Also to actually get the games in Europe the team ( Carr and Bramble) must have defended fairly well to progress. If you look at how many of those games were against decent European opposition, you will realise that your stats prove nothing. Palermo are a good footballing side and i believe they will tear our defence apart if they play like they have been. Rebellious do you believe Bramble to be a good centre back? I certainly don't! Carr is a decent defender but not the best and i'd prefer to play the likes of Ramage or Taylor. Actually what i'd prefer is a whole new back four.
  5. Noticed against Charlton that he is looking a lot slimmer. Good luck Albert, can't help feel it's you last chance. Wouldn't be suprised if Glenn started him up front on his own. bluecry.gif
  6. STM

    Will we go down?

    Of course we will stay up. I expect our usual un-convincing run of points that gets us into a safe yet un-inspiring position. Roeder will eventually get sacked and will be replaced by somone just as mediocre and the proccess happens all over again.
  7. Not at all. If you start trying to get into more expensive parts of the ground you will get collered by the men in the blue jackets. Don't worry mate, despite what people say there isn't a bad seat in the ground. Just some better than others.
  8. Level 7 is right in the gods, you get a decent view but from a distance. Atmos all depends on how many fans turn up TBH. Against teams like Man utd or Sunderland near the away fans is immense but am not so sure about celta. Level 2 would obviously be closer to the pitch but it could have been in the corner anyway.
  9. Harper Taylor Ramage Moore Baba Butt Parker Milner Duff N'Zogbia Luque Is about the best team we can play at the moment. No doubt Roeder will decided Carr and Bramble should start, therefore we will get wooped by a vastly superior footballing side who play the game by defending well and passing the football.
  10. STM

    I'll defend Roeder

    What could he have done? 1. Started Taylor and Ramage instead of Carr and Bramble 2. Subbed Luque and Milner early in an effort to change the game. 3. Told Parker and Butt what positions they were playing. 4. Told Duff that Hollywood is in california. 5. Made sure Nobby stuck to the wing.
  11. Late but here gos. Harper 6- Did his job. Carr 6- Supported well but has no clue on how to cross the ball. Moore 7- Our best centre back by a mile. Bramble 5- OUT! Babayaro 7- Gets let down by Bramble too often, decent job. Nobby 6- Great first half, woeful second. Parker 6- For a captain he lacks communication skills Butt 7- Impressed. Tackled, dribbled earned his place next week. Zoggy 7- Good work in the first half, ran at the opposition. Duff 7- Worked hard in a unfimiilar role. Rossi 7- Going to be a star, should have scored. Bar 1892 atmosphere= Pathetic.
  12. Harper Carr Moore Taylor Baba Parker Zoggy Nobby Duff Martins Rossi 3-0 Zoggy, Nobby and Rossi
  13. I actually believe that Dyer could save Roeders career... for a while. We need someone like Dyer to inject some energy into the team. I'd love to see him and Martins up front together!
  14. Completely forgot to put him in mine. Great shout mate. Not so sure about Carr but then again i was tempted to put in Ramage. bluebiggrin.gif
  15. Don't get me wrong, he isn't and will never be as good as Scholes at his peak. However, his late runs and goals contributions are very similar.
  16. Just to get away from the misery that is our football club. I thought i'd take this opportunity to see who you have been impressed with so far. Your players and reasons are entirely up to you. Here's mine: GK- James. Since moving to Portsmouth he seems to have cut out his errors, might be to do with Pompey's defence though. DF-Campbell. I thought he was past his best but has proven me and quite a few wrong for us failing to sign him. DF-Mellberg. Always a competant defender but has flourished under O'Neill. The rock in a solid back four. DF-Baines. Some good defending and and stunning goals. Left back for the future without a doubt. DF-Evra. I was convinced he would fail after his appaling start at Man U but has come on leaps and bounds. Deserves credit for bouncing back. MF-Giggs. Pains me to say it but age certainly isn't catching up with giggs. May not be at his unbelievable best still performing on the worlds biggest stage. MF-Speed. Similarly to Giggs is still churning out the performances in the premiership. Although, i'm slightly biast. bluewink.gif MF-Essien. Another player coming on leaps and bounds. How long before he's Chelsea's most important player, not long i suspect, if he gets a few more goals. MF-Cahill. God i hate the little Ozzy runt. However, he is one of the main reasons why Everton are picking up so many points. Reminds me of scholes of old..... sadly. FW- Andy Johnson. The other reason why Everton are picking up points..... enough said. FW-Drogba. Just beat Saha because he's cut out his diving. Who would have thought he make Sheva look average. Your comments and your suggestions?
  17. STM

    Rafa Benitez

    Benitez is a fine manager, when you compare houlliers liverpool to his. Think he's one of the best but in the bracket just below messers fergie, wenger and mourinho.
  18. SJH and Freddie are just two average chairman, both of which have hired one good manager a piece. On the one hand SJH, as Ne5 says, got lucky with a hit or miss keegan appointment. On the other, Freddie hired Robson who was always going to improve our club but was it inspired or just plain obvious? I'd also like to remind a few that Freddie nearly Bolloxed that up by offering him embarrassing wages. We've spent 100's of millions down the years on players, which shows great amition. However, am i the only one that would have preffered us to throw the boat and get in a world class manager, instead of signing numours trophy players to appease the fans. A good manager doesn't need the luxury of multi millions to make a club successfull, look at Wenger. That's how to run a club! When will we learn that managers make clubs a success not players?
  19. STM

    Bobby Zamora?

    That's two flooked goals in two games for Zamora. Technically he has only scored 3 intentional goals this season. bluewink.gif
  20. Jeezus...now the "every Newcastle fans a bad supporter but me" prats are at it. If you're happy with this Roeder/Shepherd shambles, that doesn't make you or the other one good supporters, just gullible. :roll: Just because he supports Roeder doesn't make him a know it all or a arogent fan.
  21. I really "hope" there is a takeover, Shepherds popularity rating is at an all time low, the word incompetent springs to mind for the one-millionth time when describing our leader It's always the same though isn't it. Right now people are talking about what a moron he is, yet last month they were hailing the signings of Duff and Martins. It would be no suprise to me if we signed Bridge and another good player in january, then everyones saying what a wonderfull chairman he is. I agree, Remember last year he was getting booed at the 1st game but after we got Luque,Owen and Solano his name was being chanted. Its funny because the pundits always say Newcastle fans are the most forgiving. Forgiving or fickle? There are very few Newcastle fans that i have met don't in some way change there opinion when the going gets tough. Just look at the way peoples opinion has changed of Roeder in the last few hours. Never mind days. I for one am fully backing the manager and the talented players we have in the squad. We needed a couple more players and we haven't got them, boo hoo lets just crack on. you said it not me :winking: It does make me laugh when they say it because i know what they realy wanna say but your right most fans are fickle in there own way, Ive been known to change my opinion from time to time. Im backing the manager, Roeder has taken on a massive job after Souness left and people expected him to sort it all out this transfer window on little transfer money. The only thing im slightly disappointed about is the fact that we didnt streghten the full back areas, We got Bernard but that wasnt the player we all were hoping for. I'm not pretending i don't do it. When we signed Owen, apart of me wanted chant "there's only one freddy sheppard", but i refrained when i remember how he got rid of Bobby and all the other countless mishaps he has had. If Roeder had set out to sign Bernard in the first place there would not have been as much a problem. The problem was that he left it late and proved he failed in the transfer market with his number one targets. At least we have cover in that position shame we're short of a centre back now.
  22. I really "hope" there is a takeover, Shepherds popularity rating is at an all time low, the word incompetent springs to mind for the one-millionth time when describing our leader It's always the same though isn't it. Right now people are talking about what a moron he is, yet last month they were hailing the signings of Duff and Martins. It would be no suprise to me if we signed Bridge and another good player in january, then everyones saying what a wonderfull chairman he is. I agree, Remember last year he was getting booed at the 1st game but after we got Luque,Owen and Solano his name was being chanted. Its funny because the pundits always say Newcastle fans are the most forgiving. Forgiving or fickle? There are very few Newcastle fans that i have met don't in some way change there opinion when the going gets tough. Just look at the way peoples opinion has changed of Roeder in the last few hours. Never mind days. I for one am fully backing the manager and the talented players we have in the squad. We needed a couple more players and we haven't got them, boo hoo lets just crack on.
  23. I really "hope" there is a takeover, Shepherds popularity rating is at an all time low, the word incompetent springs to mind for the one-millionth time when describing our leader It's always the same though isn't it. Right now people are talking about what a moron he is, yet last month they were hailing the signings of Duff and Martins. It would be no suprise to me if we signed Bridge and another good player in january, then everyones saying what a wonderfull chairman he is.
  24. Everyone was moaning about the lack of height in our team, problem solved You say it in jest. Roeder is serious. blueeek.gif Not to fussed about sibierski, as long as Ameobi, Martins and Rossi get in the team before he does.
  25. There's no gaurantees with any of them. I really am baffled how you can think we're better off now than last year. We've signed an admittedly good winger who we didn't need. We were already covered in that position with N'Zogbia and as you say O'Brien. Rossi's only here for 4 months and will then **** off regardless if he's any good or not. The way we operate in the transfer market we're likely to go the whole of January at least a striker down before we get a replacement. Sibierski is gash. I wouldn't swap him for anyone! You say that Shearer did little but hold the ball up. Maybe so, but who the hell is going to hold the ball up now? Out of the players we don't have Shearers holding up the ball skill is the one we will miss the most but we will have to do without. Our midfield has improved considerably since last year with the progress of the Zog, the return of milner and Duff signing. As for the defence, i really wish we had brought in a replacment for Boumsong but that said we are no worse off without him. Once people calm down, i hope they will look at our whole squad and realise we have a plethora of talent.
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