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Everything posted by STM

  1. where do you get the info regrads the signing on fee? and how do you know what wages he's getting? His imagination. It would be nice to know though, I have to say. People can scoff at the figures being quoted, as no-one would appear to know, but let's not pretend he's on peanuts and that a signing on fee wouldn't have been generous. Although the opposite is quite possible, it's highly doubtful. That's the problem with buying Chelsea's cast offs, they're used to high wages. By the way, Iam in no way agreeing with the figures quoted by terry. you can if you like :winking: as if he ain't on massive wages. he was clearly swung our way by something.. hmmm what could that be that made owen wanna join on 100k a week or parker on 60k a week or luque on 50k a week dyer 70k a week bluelaugh.gif that spurs itk who broke the news on him coming here before any papers even had a wiff of it, said that spurs told duff and his advisors to **** off when he asked for a massive , in region of 3-4 mill signing on fee because, he could hold out for that in 12 months time when contract had run out. now you can all say yeh right corse he did blah balh...but i followed that story and that itk had it bang on before anyone north of watford even got wind of us being in the race. I thought ten million would have been a decent signing but for 5m we have more than made up for that little extra he wanted in wages. Any spurs fan who is under the illusion that Duff's move was a financial decsion needs to watch the press conference again. The man made up his mind long before money was on the agenda. If Spurs fail to compete fiancially with us then that is their too bad. Duff is our player and we are delighted at the price we got him for.
  2. I'd have him back in a flash. Would give us a little creativity that we are missing in our strikerforce.
  3. SWP? sure but not at the expense of a striker. We desperately need at least one striker. If we had the resources to sort out a deal where by we paid chelsea the money at the end of the coming season then that would be good. First priority must be strikers! Unless we plan on selling Milner.
  4. Real Ale Madrid Given Taylor Neill King Carra Lamps N'zogbia Arteta Barton Henry © Bellamy 0.5m to spare
  5. I'm baffled as to why Roeder continues to ignore Luque. It makes no sense whatsoever.
  6. Yeah, i think 5 or 6 would be about right. As much as i'd love to see him do well, i just can't see it. However, i must protest about Boa Morte. Last season i would have took him but i'm fine with Zoggy and young Patterson. If we are going to get that kind of money we should get somone like Gareth Barry who can play in both positions.
  7. Maybe he will perform better in the inter toto and the uefa cup (Touches wood) due to the slower pace. Then roeder could use this form in the premierleague.
  8. Deary me. Explain the Deary me.
  9. Yes I feel the same way about Luque he can unleash that brilliance sometimes and be a match winner and I hope we keep him. I think if we can toughen him up a bit without losing his technical skills he'll be a great asset to us, Owen can also be like that many times, quiet as a mouse for most of the game then all of a sudden he pops in two or three goals and wins the match for us If we have say six strikers which is what any good prem team should have. We would be looking at: Owen - Luque Dyer Ameobi Chopra We should be looking to sign one good striker i.e Kuyt,Bellamy or Gudjohnsen, that for me would be sufficiant for next season. The thing is under Roeder we have looked like scoring goals even with Ameobi and Chopra up front which is a positive thing.
  10. Firstly i will point out that i'm a massive Luque fan, i even have his name on the back of my away top. Trying to be as fair as possible, i think Luque had a decent game. No more, no less. He does tend to give the ball away and doesn't close people down like Scotty Parker or Big Al. However, i simply don't think that is the type of player Luque is. He reminds me of Robert in many ways, un-believable talent but a questionable attitude. Luque in my eyes is the type of player who can un-leash a moment of brilliance at a moments notice, sometimes you won't even know he's in a game until he's scored the winner. Yesterday, i think he showed exactly that. People can't use "A lack of fitness" anymore, it's just not realistic. What does baffle me is why Roeder would leave him out of the team week in week out. Personally, i don't know whether i would like Luque to stay or not. We will soon find out.
  11. STM

    See Im not the only one

    I like to think i'm the kind of supporter who would give people a chance, even if i didn't want them a manager. The truth is Souness simply isn't good enough, there is only so much that supporters can take. I honestly like the guy, his attitude and his will to do well for the club. Not to mention his transfer targets. I hate to say it but he has to go! bluesigh.gif
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