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Everything posted by STM

  1. Given Solano Ramage Taylor Baba Butt Emre Milner N'Zogbia Sibierski Martins
  2. That sounds like a hell of a one-sided fight! tongue.gif It'll make the January tussle for Darren Bent more interesting, that's for certain. No thanks, he's just another one season wonder a la Phillipps, Ricketts, Stewart, etc. Agreed, i'm not sold on Bent. It's strange because i bet alot of money that we all rate Ashton alot higher than we rate Bent, yet he hasn't scored half as many in the prem. Strange the way opinion works. I'd bet sir alexs next striker will come from abroad, a big money buy.
  3. I think it has moved to where the old club shop used to be. I haven't been to the box office in a while!
  4. Liverpool? A takeover has been happening for about 3 years now including USA businessmen, internal takeovers & even Prime Ministers of an Asian Country have been strongly linked with a buyout. Aye, forgot about that one. However, if you look at how many have gone through......... Chelsea Man Utd Pompey West Ham Villa Sunderland True, most if not all but this one go through. Leeds, Leicester (currently & probably will) & other smaller takeovers have all gone through. Goods signs, especially when there's not just one party interested. They also seem very keen and rich. What where the latest quotes 235m? If they have that sort of money, i've no doubt it will happen. Also.... sheppards been suspiciously quite since the sack the board chants. I think he's wavering.
  5. That could apply to Spurs, Man City, Celtic, Rangers, Villa, even Pompey, but I don't think it's enough reason to hate them, not for me anyway. Suppose, you combine that with the famous scouse wit and the fact my old boss supported them. The worst of it is they try to use Liverpools success to make themselves look good! Never seen that anywhere before..... Liverpool! wank... wank...wank...
  6. Liverpool? A takeover has been happening for about 3 years now including USA businessmen, internal takeovers & even Prime Ministers of an Asian Country have been strongly linked with a buyout. Aye, forgot about that one. However, if you look at how many have gone through......... Chelsea Man Utd Pompey West Ham Villa Sunderland
  7. According to the jounal: Given Solano Bramble Taylor Ramage Butt Emre N'Zogbia Milner Luque Sibierski That's what i would suspect too....
  8. Everton: Bitter fans, deluded about the size of their club. Liverpool: "we won it five times, in istanbul we won it five times" enough said. Tottenham: They win one game and their the best side in the country? plus i hate martin jol. Boro: Pathetic fans, pathetic stadium and a great chairman! bastards.........
  9. When was the last time you heard the rumour of a takeover at a football club without it going through? I can't remember the last time, it's for that reason why i believe Freddy is going to sell. I voted yes and i can't wait.
  10. Confirmed where? Guess who wrote in his paper: "Roeder confirmed to me this morning as we jetted off........ Don't give him that glory. Expect huntington,troisi, gate and pattison to start!!
  11. I think it's a coincidence that we have concieded less goals since pearson has arrived. It's more likely that we have conceded less goals due to the fact Carr and Baba have been out. I'm sick of the stick Ramage has been getting even though he is playing out of position. Everytime i have seen him play he's barely put a foot wrong. Yorkie-Geordie couldn't agree more about Bramble. If i could boot him out tommorow i would despite our lack of defenders.
  12. Beatties a good player, i think he would suit our style of play more than Evertons. Everton are more defensively focused and rely alot on counter attacks and 5 men in midfield. If we had Beattie and Martins up front i think you would see a different player. We also like to get crosses in when we are playing well, Beattie would offer a good aerial threat.
  13. STM

    SWP Offers

    No i wouldn't like us to go for him in the summer, as i believe it will take our focus of much needed areas. Should we tie up deals for a couple of defenders and another cheap striker preferably Sibierski the second then we can focus elsewhere.
  14. We have a small as squad as it is without losing one of our best prospects. Whats the point having a football club if your going to sell your better players? The only way i would sell him is if was an offer that we could resist like 5m plus Barry or 10m straight.
  15. I'll be honest i haven't seen alot of him, so i'll trust your judgement on him. However, if someone had told me that Shevchenko wasn't good enough for this league i would have laughed at them in the face. Your right that every transfer is a risk but it's all about minimalising that risk. For me they could probably get Ashton or Bent for 15m, thats 10m less than a foreign player who would represent higher risk. Should it come down to signing foreign players for that type of money talked about Adriano would be my choice. Adriano hasn't been on form for the past couple of years! What are you on about mate? He's shite, overrated and fat. He's a poor man's Ronaldo. Struggled for goals for Inter last year (13 in the league) and did you see his performances for Brazil in the WC? Utter shite. He's overrated and isn't worth more than 12m. FM isn't real life bluebigrazz.gif Woah! Calm your passions lad. I've seen as much of Adriano as i have off Villa, i was going off reputation.
  16. STM

    Scotty Parker

    You're preaching to the converted in my case mate. I even started a thread about it months ago. I won't link to it though otherwise melanie will slag me off again.... :winking: That's fair do's. Out of interest, who would be your ideal midfield partnership between Parker, Emre and Butt? Personally, i would go with Parker and Emre, so long as both players stuck to their team role. If it didn't work i see no reason why we couldn't use Butts experiance to to teacher how to play in defensive midfield. Going round in circles, eh. I have no favourites as such but i feel we should be looking long term. I believe parker has not found his true postion as a footballer yet ,he hasn't the ability to be an effective attacking midfielder. I noticed he does that spinning in a circle thing just like Dyer and JJ have done in the past. Believe it or not that it as small problem and i don't think is down to his passing ability but rather his conifidence in it. If our "coaches" had any sense they would work on these things to mould him into a defensive midfielder. He's 26 and should be approaching his prime. Your not wrong but every player can learn. Even wor Al learned a massive amount off SBR when came, in order to adjust his game. You also have to remember that last season was his first full season for along time.
  17. I'll be honest i haven't seen alot of him, so i'll trust your judgement on him. However, if someone had told me that Shevchenko wasn't good enough for this league i would have laughed at them in the face. Your right that every transfer is a risk but it's all about minimalising that risk. For me they could probably get Ashton or Bent for 15m, thats 10m less than a foreign player who would represent higher risk. Should it come down to signing foreign players for that type of money talked about Adriano would be my choice.
  18. STM

    Scotty Parker

    You're preaching to the converted in my case mate. I even started a thread about it months ago. I won't link to it though otherwise melanie will slag me off again.... :winking: That's fair do's. Out of interest, who would be your ideal midfield partnership between Parker, Emre and Butt? Personally, i would go with Parker and Emre, so long as both players stuck to their team role. If it didn't work i see no reason why we couldn't use Butts experiance to to teacher how to play in defensive midfield. Going round in circles, eh. I have no favourites as such but i feel we should be looking long term. I believe parker has not found his true postion as a footballer yet ,he hasn't the ability to be an effective attacking midfielder. I noticed he does that spinning in a circle thing just like Dyer and JJ have done in the past. Believe it or not that it as small problem and i don't think is down to his passing ability but rather his conifidence in it. If our "coaches" had any sense they would work on these things to mould him into a defensive midfielder.
  19. Apparently 100m is his buy out price, his actually price is closer to 25m in my eyes. If i were Chelsea i wouldn't go near a spanish player for over 30m. Why can't Chelsea look closer to home and try to sign Ashton or Bent, they would be far less risk than Villa or Torres and probably cheaper.
  20. STM

    Scotty Parker

    You're preaching to the converted in my case mate. I even started a thread about it months ago. I won't link to it though otherwise melanie will slag me off again.... :winking: That's fair do's. Out of interest, who would be your ideal midfield partnership between Parker, Emre and Butt? Personally, i would go with Parker and Emre, so long as both players stuck to their team role. If it didn't work i see no reason why we couldn't use Butts experiance to to teacher how to play in defensive midfield.
  21. STM

    Scotty Parker

    What annoys me is that every one is speaking like this: Wanker no1: " Emre's shite man!" Wanker no2: "No man Parkers the shit one, we only ever win when he leaves the pitch!" The truth is neither Parker nor Emre are shit, it's about balance in midfield. Picking the players is the easy bit, finding the correct formula is the hardest task. When Butt and Emre have played together we have improved but not becasue of Parkers absence in the talent sense but because Nicky Butt has played in defensive midfield. Where as Parker and Emre were playing on top of each other. I feel should we play Parker in defensive midfield we would have the same outcome.
  22. STM


    Ronaldinho or Gerrard? :confused: Ronaldinho's a better passer, shooter and has better ball control. Gerrard's a better leader, tackler and worker. If you were to say, who's the better player? I would be inclined towards Ronaldinho because of his skill and sheer briliance. However, Gerrard is an out an out premiership player and would have more benifit to a premiership club.
  23. STM


    I'm not normally so negative but Harewood is way off the standard of striker that i'd want at this football club, mind you i said that about Sibierski. bluewink.gif If we signed him for 1m then he would provide decent back up due to his size, pace and strength but nothing more than that. However, i'd like to thing we were looking elsewhere. 11m? Of course we are going to sign a West Ham reserve for more than we signed a Inter wonderkid!
  24. STM

    Scotty Parker

    I think neither Emre or Parker are poor players, infact i think they are of a very high stardard, they just can't play together. It was ok when Roeder played Parker as a DM but ever since he fanied about trying to tun him into an AM, they have looked out of shape. Butt is a worse player than both but he has a refined role which alows Emre to work the opposition. In the long run it is probably worth putting Parker back into DM but if aint broke don't fix it.
  25. Can't really argue with that. I don't believe Martins to be injury prone player, so lets see if he can find his scoring boots. Him and Sibierski might as well get a partnership.
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