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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. Thought that was Jeff Goldblum ... before he turned into a fly
  2. A comment from the Guardian article ... "All clubs should be made to live within their means whatever that is and a maximum wage should be brought back in which is something like four times what the average wage is for that area. " With the response... "Not sure Sunderland would get many footballers willing to play for four times current Jobseekers Allowance" :mackems:
  3. Reading the RTG thread about that makes me think that they held a party and no body showed up. Because despite what they think....no one cares that much about them From To and finally Mackems had a relegation but no-one showed up
  4. So whats their problem .... as they slip down to League 1 without a wimper ... they still have 6 in a Row as they get beat by pub league teams in a shit division ... they still have 6 in a Row as their fellow fans desert them in droves and they watch crisp packets in an empty stadium ... they still have 6 in a Row as they face financial ruin and cannot buy a player (or shift the ones they have) ... they still have 6 in a Row 6 in a Row .... F*** me Marra, this is glorious, what a time to be alive !! :mackems:
  5. From RTG... Sunderland lose but Gibson gets 3 points ;D
  6. Their fans deserted their team in droves, and at a time when the club really needed them. But RTG excuses and justifies this behavior based on the notion that the team has been playing poorly for a few years so it acceptable to jack it in until they start playing better. It’s a perfect example of fair-weather bandwagon fans (which they say they despise)... except their standards for getting on/off the bandwagon are much lower. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Imagine being so thick that you can't remember that the last first team derby game was a draw, therefore the kids and lasses wins are irrelevant. Irrelevant!! Until Newcastle win, all games are victories to Sunlun U16 games count if Sunderland win, but are excluded if Newcastle win. Makematics 101
  8. The NBC team in the US (Robbie Mustoe and Robbie Earle) had great praise for that move.
  9. During the goal celebrations today while the players were celebrating together, the TV coverage showed Shelvey in conversation with Rafa on the touchline. It happened three times so it has to be a planned activity. To me that shows a great focus on the game from Shelvey in not letting the celebration distract him from what needs to happen next. Its always important not to let your guard down after scoring and letting the other team back into the game, so I loved seeing then focus on what they needed to do settle down again and "bank" the goal and then push on for the next one.
  10. So glad that we didn't panic and sign Joe Hart. Love how cool and calm this guy is. Even chuckled at him giggling when he fluffed the throw up field and had to get bailed out by Lejeune
  11. That's what I would do..... being the vindictive bastard that I am when it comes to Pard-ewe
  12. Chelsea fans at Old Trafford singing "Just like London, your city is Blue"
  13. True or not.... He will always be Sepp "Bellend" Blatter
  14. And yet they lap it up. Completely blind to the fact the the tongue up their arse still has blue pop and cheesy chips on it
  15. Such denial on RTG And that's just page 1
  16. TBH the replay on that "corner" decision showed only the faintest of touches by Jones. So it's not improbable that the AR didn't see that touch, and then he has a choice - go with what he knows...the through ball was played by Newcastle (or guess that if Gayle let the ball run out then he must have a reason).
  17. The relegation pay cuts all depend on how it's worded in the contracts. My guess is that when a Premier League club negotiates a contract to sign a player, the contract says "We'll pay you XXXX when the club is in the Premier League, but it reduces to XX in the event of relegation to the Championship". No mention of the possibility of playing in League 1. I cannot see any player signing for a Premier League club willing to to even consider agreeing to contractually defined wages to play in League 1. They would be moving on to the next option of club immediately. So I doubt very much that there is a blanket reduction of XX% for each relegation. The only way to get rid of these Contract in league 1 is if the player requests to be sold rather than stay with the club as they drop down into league 1.
  18. Simulation is a misconduct not a foul. So it cannot be a penalty, only an IFK if the referee stops play to address the simulation (Most likely the Simulation would be addressed at the next stoppage in play).
  19. Did I get whooshed Dammit Oh well
  20. Nope. Offside can only be called against the attacking team, so it would be a (Indirect) Free Kick coming out for the defense. Cannot be a Penalty. All penal fouls that would be awarded a Direct Free Kick, if they occur within the Penalty Area, would be a Penalty kick. However, a technical foul that's not a penal foul, such as obstruction or playing the ball in a dangerous manner (high feet without contact on opponent preventing a fair challenfe) that would be awarded an Indirect Free Kick, would still be an indirect Free kick from the spot of the foul even within the penalty area (as long as its not within the goal area)
  21. simple - rabid delusional jealousy
  22. there are multiple balls in use at a game - why not each take one
  23. Was this on The News? Deserves a giggle [emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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