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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. So glad that we didn't panic and sign Joe Hart. Love how cool and calm this guy is. Even chuckled at him giggling when he fluffed the throw up field and had to get bailed out by Lejeune
  2. That's what I would do..... being the vindictive bastard that I am when it comes to Pard-ewe
  3. Chelsea fans at Old Trafford singing "Just like London, your city is Blue"
  4. True or not.... He will always be Sepp "Bellend" Blatter
  5. And yet they lap it up. Completely blind to the fact the the tongue up their arse still has blue pop and cheesy chips on it
  6. Such denial on RTG And that's just page 1
  7. TBH the replay on that "corner" decision showed only the faintest of touches by Jones. So it's not improbable that the AR didn't see that touch, and then he has a choice - go with what he knows...the through ball was played by Newcastle (or guess that if Gayle let the ball run out then he must have a reason).
  8. The relegation pay cuts all depend on how it's worded in the contracts. My guess is that when a Premier League club negotiates a contract to sign a player, the contract says "We'll pay you XXXX when the club is in the Premier League, but it reduces to XX in the event of relegation to the Championship". No mention of the possibility of playing in League 1. I cannot see any player signing for a Premier League club willing to to even consider agreeing to contractually defined wages to play in League 1. They would be moving on to the next option of club immediately. So I doubt very much that there is a blanket reduction of XX% for each relegation. The only way to get rid of these Contract in league 1 is if the player requests to be sold rather than stay with the club as they drop down into league 1.
  9. Simulation is a misconduct not a foul. So it cannot be a penalty, only an IFK if the referee stops play to address the simulation (Most likely the Simulation would be addressed at the next stoppage in play).
  10. Did I get whooshed Dammit Oh well
  11. Nope. Offside can only be called against the attacking team, so it would be a (Indirect) Free Kick coming out for the defense. Cannot be a Penalty. All penal fouls that would be awarded a Direct Free Kick, if they occur within the Penalty Area, would be a Penalty kick. However, a technical foul that's not a penal foul, such as obstruction or playing the ball in a dangerous manner (high feet without contact on opponent preventing a fair challenfe) that would be awarded an Indirect Free Kick, would still be an indirect Free kick from the spot of the foul even within the penalty area (as long as its not within the goal area)
  12. simple - rabid delusional jealousy
  13. there are multiple balls in use at a game - why not each take one
  14. Was this on The News? Deserves a giggle [emoji3] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I think you mean station [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. The scruffy bamps who are fewmin for SAFC to sack Grayson and bring in a new guy, need to first figure out what player will they sell to pay for the new contract. There is apparently no money available that isn’t marked for current expenses or debt repayment. So if SAFC is to take on another new contract for a new manager then who can be sold to raise funds to pay for it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Amazing ..... hemorrhaging money, racked with debt, their financial situation tipped upside down by the loss of PL money and someone thinks that it was a bad idea to have contractual wage cuts in the championship because .... the players are now unhappy and unmotivated. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/which-baboon-thought-it-was-a-good-idea-to-impose-a-40-pay-cut.1399107/ I hope its someone from here winding them up, as he cannot be that stupid in real life
  18. I understand that, and it would be great if it worked that way. I just hate seeing the referee run off to the sideline to watch a replay on his own TV, or watching the referee stand there with his finger in his ear talking to the VAR without having the transparency of the discussion on what they are looking for or what they see. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I like VAR when it’s done rugby union style - which means the referee discussing the issue in public with the Video Referee (of course Rugby referees are already mic’d up) with the replays shown on the big screen at the stadium for the referee to watch. Tell us what the referee is looking to check on, what rules are being considered, and what they see (or don’t see). I hate how VAR is done offline and not in public view Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Yes, the referee is considered part of the field in terms of the ball hitting the referee - no play won't be stopped if the ball it's the referee. Technically players could try to play a 1-2 off the referee but the referee should not be so close to the ball that he couldn't get out of the way. Most referee consider it a failure on their part of the get hit but the ball and cannot jump/move out of the way. And any player who intentionally ploughs through a referee instead of going round is likely to be on his way to sitting in the parking lot as soon as the refereee is back on his feet. You can't push/plough through an opposing player, and you can't do that to a referee either [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. It has been mentioned. In the press today and in this thread. Intends to buy another football club according to an aide. Yes, I saw that... but I don't think that would be any reason to sell by Christmas. I saw that news as something he would do in the future, but not something that has a timetable that would require urgency with the sale of Newcastle.
  22. There is another side to Ashley's sellup, that hasn't been mentioned yet. What is Ashley's plan for the money he will earn from the sale of NUFC. If he already has a new investment/new purchase lined up, then there will be a level of urgency from that side to release the money for the new venture. Is there another retailer that he wants to buy on the cheap? Of course he may not have any immediate plans in which case no urgency (and a waste of time writing this).
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