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Exiled in Texas

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Everything posted by Exiled in Texas

  1. Was nothing better when Fox Sports had the Premier League and Newcastle won ..... WB would always have a beaming smile and just be so full of happiness at the win.
  2. Mutual Consent - You're fired .... I know.
  3. I'm going to go with not very. So you're saying it is connected to some degree? It’s a site run from Texas.. Don't look at me
  4. Trying so hard not to be bothered, or not to be believing it.... but deep inside its killing them (as it would us, if the situation was reversed). They were about to ride the Dell Monorail back to the Premier League but instead they are stuck with a broken lift in League One.
  5. Watching STID I couldn’t help thinking the AOL was a good setup, and then wondered just how bad our facilities really are.
  6. Some of the stuff with the fans was really cringy. But you have to factor in that the producers are looking for the extremes for the show. The guy with the Shrine to SAFC stuff - was probably selected over other fans just because of his collection. The guy spray painting his beard.... probably only did that because he was on camera (may even have been encouraged by producers etc) The taxi driver guy was the most normal (and a carry over from S1). He had an opinion, spoke well, and didn't seem to play up for the cameras. Overall, you know that these people are really just caricatures of the real fans as they are looking for something a bit more extreme for the show.
  7. I've always thought that Ashley will only sell up when he thinks he can earn more money by using his money for something else. While NUFC is chugging along in mediocrity, but he is pulling in a reasonable return on his investment, he will stay. When he finds a new opportunity, where he can use the proceeds from a sale of Newcastle, to put it into a new business opportunity that will earn him more money he will be away is a flash. To me the questions is whether NOW is the time (where the economy/state of business is in tatters) that he has found a new opportunity that has a bigger upside that status quo at NUFC.
  8. I did like the generic shots of the North East - I thought Fullwell 73 did a nice job showing the nice side of the North East (something that those who have never been there, will have no idea of). I miss the NE.
  9. My company went through a similar process two years ago. The new CEO said that we were all in the boat together, but that we needed to be rowing in the same direction and pulling together. He asked that people who didn't want to row, or wanted to row in a different direction to get out of the boat. It seems that the marketing team didn't want to row. I agree that clocking in/out from 9-5 is antiquated way of working for salaried business people. You have a job to do and should get on and do it, whether you need to stay later or need to leave early for a Dr etc you should be judged on getting your job/tasks/assignments done and not on when you arrive/leave. Hourly staff, such a ticket office is a different matter. The lack of understanding of the state of the business was amazing (and appalling). They seemed quite content to be a loss-making business. I think they just assumed that all football clubs lost money, instead of trying to find ways to be profitable.
  10. He yells "Change it" as he was talking about the team formation and how they were getting over run and no longer had the upper-hand.
  11. I'm going against the tide here..... but I though Methven had the exactly the right plan for the club. The show was heavily edited so you know that for every headline grabbing comment he made, there were another dozen that were just simple boring business ideas that needed to be done. They needed to increase their revenue streams and targeting high attendances was a way to achieve that. I think, offline, he was more interested in the incoming money than the actual number of fans there... but he knew that the attendance numbers was a big thing for SAFC fans so he gave them what they wanted. He had a few pompous moments, but frankly I felt he was all-business, and was actually doing more for the club that Stewie D, who seemed to be in Oxford more than Sunderland.
  12. Think I’ll wander over to RTG now that news reports are out that Michael Dell is now interested in Derby
  13. Yes, but on the condition that that play three home games in a black/white shirt ??
  14. All Bundesliga teams have their team song sung by the fans as the teams come out. Scarves up, flags waving ... its amazing. Werder Bremen ..... Leibenslang Grun-Weiss
  15. It will depend on when the league can restart. The problem with canceling next season to finish this one is that you’d give up 38 games per team to play 9. As I said what they can do will really depend on when they can restart
  16. I don't think it will look any better in 4 weeks time. And by then it's 4 weeks later so less chance to play games behind closed doors. I'd keep playing the games (in empty stadiums) as the TV companies woudl rather broadcast the games in the empty stadiums than not have games to broadcast (and therefore no Ad revenue)
  17. RTG has a running in-joke about Newcastle fans Shouting at Shops (Protests at Sport Direct stores), and yet completely ignore that they shout at statues. See also, NUFC Horse Punchers compared to SAFC Stadium Shiters.
  18. Said he was given a Paraguayan Passport on arrival "as a gift". Because national identity documents are often handed out when flowers are out of season. SMH
  19. Southampton - Great for youth development in UK and close-ish to hometown in Cornwall (16-21) Ajax - More development opportunities, and a cool city to live in (21-24) Dortmund- Love their style of play,and would love to live in Germany and play in front of that Yellow Wall (24-27) Newcastle - Ashley has moved on, so time to achieve childhood dreams and ride a bike and eat apples and score at the Gallowgate end (27-30) Werder Bremen - Back to Bundesliga and the Weserstrand (30-32) Wisla Krakow - Pace is going, so moving on. One of my favourite cities in Europe. Still a little bit left in the legs. (32-34) Plymouth Argyle - Tail end of my career - but chance to live back in Southwest (35)
  20. Coventry : not won away all season.. Sunderland : hold my beer. :D (Stolen from RTG)
  21. Coventry, Bristol City and Sunderland had been battling to avoid relegation on the last day of the 1976-77 season. The Mackems reckon that Jimmy Hill purposely delayed the start of the Coventry-Bristol City, so that they would know what they needed to do compared to Sunderland result. The game did start later than Sunderlands game and when news broke that Sunderland had lost, Coventry and Bristol City played out the game to a draw and Sunderland were relegated. And they are still bitter about it https://www.coventrytelegraph.net/sport/football/football-news/coventry-city-digest-day-jimmy-11356276
  22. They got so used to always getting a new-manager bounce during their Premier Escape years that they cannot fathom that its not automatic. Now that they have to work for a few wins, and they are not freebies that come with a new manager contract, they are struggling.
  23. Still pining for Supa Kev (But shouldn't that be Sewpa Kev) https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/step-up-supa-kev.1494566/
  24. OMG - This is hilarious and glorious Someone must really have sold their soul to the devil in exchange for the Six in a Row. Paying for that big time now!!
  25. And the Americans really are here
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