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Everything posted by Lowndsy

  1. Lowndsy

    Season Tickets

    i have had no money taking out of my account.. nor has anyone else i know who are moving down to level 4.. on a side note.. whats the crack with having to re use this seasons card.. all the details are going to be wrong on the back (seat /stand numbers) .. thats going to be decent when a steward tried to be clever and asks to see your card and your in a totally wrong area (According to the card) ... or someone is sat in your seat and claim it to be theres.. you wont have a leg to stand on cos the card doesnt back you up??
  2. 8 for taylor yet only 6.5 for colo ?? something aint right there
  3. shola will never depart you know that unfortunatly... yes .. i know that
  4. is that not him next to HBA ??
  5. keep him and get shot of shola!!
  6. Yes, even though the teams that finished 1st and 2nd chose not to be promoted! Yes, they are promoted or yes they haven't been promoted I'm surprised Spenny didn't put in for promotion tbh like! they are going up as far as i am aware... spenny chose not to apply to go up because ground needs work done too it.. and teh owner wants the club to have a bit more money behind it before going up so similar things dont happen to what happened a few years ago (club folded due to the costs of been in the unibond at the time etc etc)
  7. They didnt apply to go up. The ground needs a fair bit of work to do before Its the right standards. The owner wants the club to have a fair bit of its own money behind it rather than him paying out for it. Both of which are well on track with plans for new stand and club house well under way to be done in a year or two. Then maybe they will look to move up. There is a bit of a disliking towards the club from other fans of the northern league. But i think its mostly down to money. Spennymoor is a very healthy club for its level Due to been owned by a millionaire (brad groves, ex villa player or something???)
  8. for anyone who follows local non league football.. spennymoor town beat west allotment 6-1 tonight.. spennymoor retained the northern league title for a second season running
  9. awful news that .. hes been in fine form the last few games for spenny aswell
  10. i think the yellow/black one would possibly look nicer if the pin stripes were going across rather than down the shirt?? (like on the socks)
  11. fergy guthrie barton jonas enrique willo colo simspson thats how i would of played it
  12. Lowndsy

    Season Tickets

    as are the thousands who have sat in the leazes end for the past 3 years. however.. the majority of the nwc l4 is not under the away end
  13. Lowndsy

    Season Tickets

    L4C aint exactly below the away fans. its two blocks to the side of them. plus.. as proved this season, not all teams will sell out anyhow.. so chances are for 3/4 of the games next season.. the blocks above us will be empty anyway (excluding the fam and young sections ) iv put l4c on my renewal
  14. Well I do apologise, just doesn't seem to fit the way it's written out. i actually agreee ... and on the video i saw from brum... it didnt sound right either
  15. Lowndsy

    Season Tickets

    i was on my phone at work when i asked, someone else wanted to know
  16. Lowndsy

    Season Tickets

    How much are season tickets going too be in s.e corner and gallowgate?? Adults and bairns prices?
  17. Lowndsy

    Season Tickets

    18-21 is shit for a "young persons" section.. it should be 18-25. splits so many friends up who go together. for example a group i know are packing theirs in next season. two of them wil be 21 at the time of renewal. the other two will have turned 22, the latter two been priced out in other parts of teh ground. this will happen to so many other people aswell
  18. Lowndsy

    Season Tickets

    Shouldn't have sang nasty songs about the owner then A section of wankers start chants about Hughton and Ashley (only when the team is losing) so the whole singing section gets bumped. Hardly justifies the decision. to be fair, it happens when we are winning as well. Prime example, Arsenal, 2 3 and 4-0 down, chants for Hughton, chants for get out of our club, second half 4-2 4-3 4-4, not one Chris Hughton or Mike Ashley song. Absolute wankers who sing these sort of chants. i heard it not long after full time against arsenal near where i was stood. and "absolute wankers who sing these sort of chants" ... .we all hate the man.. what do you want people to do stand and sing " we love you ashley we do" .. or stand and pretend he aint there, or just go on as if hes doing an amazing job or do what fans do and voice their opinions and feelings?
  19. Lowndsy

    Season Tickets

    Shouldn't have sang nasty songs about the owner then A section of wankers start chants about Hughton and Ashley (only when the team is losing) so the whole singing section gets bumped. Hardly justifies the decision. to be fair, it happens when we are winning as well.
  20. this is just too confusing.. haha rejected.. he will still leave though ashley should shut up the office.. send all his staff home.. and go home himself. then no one can contac the club and the window will close
  21. a few people i know who were in teh sunderland end have said the same name. and said hes about 15-16 ... pathetic little f'ker hope he gets whats deserved
  22. apparently. bent has put on his twitter that he wont be playing
  23. was going to get his name on the back of my shirt... but was unsure about something so left it.. should shops have the ' style thing for above the letter E in his name?? or can you not get them and only his shirt will have them?? i know its picky. but wasnt sure if it should be Tiote or Tioté
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