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Everything posted by Mag3.14

  1. Hayden contracted until summer 2026
  2. It may not even be the entire premier league, just "direct competitors" within it i.e the cartel 6, Villa, & West Ham possibly. As you say have to be careful with RC's as they can be challenged if deemed unreasonable
  3. True, but them selling relies on a club having the financial clout being able to buy - I see something similar to January, unless there's 3rd party intervention (Saudi clubs possibly) The cartel 6 clubs (possibly excluding man city) will struggle to offload players before the FFP/PSR deadline to "smaller" clubs as they will be restricted in their spending until july 1st.
  4. Yeah its £105m losses over three years allowing for £30m/year owner "investment" without it the allowable losses are only £15m over a rolling 3 year period. The new changes to squad costs as a % of turnover are much worse as it doesn't allow (at least it looks like that to me with the current information out there) for that investment, just purely what the club "earns"
  5. Mag3.14

    Alexander Isak

    This is the problem the sly 6 have now because of FFP/PSR, outside of themselves I cant seen any other team taking their "cast-offs" for big money anymore, they've created a monster now they may have to live with the consequences ...
  6. Mag3.14

    St James' Park

    We don't need to increase the away allocation, for league games anyway, not if we don't want to - rules stipulate that its 3k minimum for stadia at 30,000+,10% of capacity otherwise
  7. Its about 15% of his weekly wage - same amount a week I spend on beer!!
  8. Yeah any kind of infrastructure, something like a stack fanzone perhaps
  9. Think we need to see the actual detail, there were two votes apparently, one of which was unanimous. I can't see the likes of ourselves, Villa, Forest & West Ham going for this with those restrictions in place - odd.
  10. My bad, I assumed the "staff costs" on the accounts would have included purchases & salaries - must be sailing close to the wind then if you include amortisation cost on top ?
  11. 74.1%, down from 94.6% the previous season - they're expecting similar for this season iirc. All good for premier league, but high for UEFA's more stringent 70% cap
  12. Yeah, her holding is just under 7% now iirc
  13. You'd hope as part of any deal in ManU getting DA early they'd put in some "non-compete" clauses for our players and potential incoming transfers for at least the summer window, if indeed he goes before the summer.
  14. Mag3.14

    St James' Park

    Magpie Rangers - we have a ready made song for that
  15. Aye true, the second came from an awful giveaway in midfield (couldn't make out who it was because of the shadow of the main stand) - literally passed to the # player under zero pressure. Seemed to me the occasion got to them yesterday unfortunately, a trait that's plagued the men's team for decades.
  16. They signed an international keeper in January - dont know if she's been given any gametime yet?
  17. I read that as within the next 5 years from now, pushing more to the pessimistic end of their initial assessment of major success within 5-10 years but still on target
  18. Mag3.14


    So you'd be happy if Adidas changed a little bit in the middle of our badge, like changing the colour of the black stripe to red? It's a national shirt and all about the identity
  19. Mag3.14


    Think people may be in for a shock when the new Toon Adidas tops arrive in June if they think £80-90 is expensive, sadly
  20. Mag3.14

    St James' Park

    Think you're being a little optimistic about the costing of adding 7k to the Gallowgate, that figure could easily be 4 times that. Also I'd think the av. income will per seat would be higher - Even without taking inflation into account, I cant see staying at SJP with a circa 60k capacity and no significant additional number of "corporate" accommodations not resulting in the base price of a seat/ST significantly increasing over time. But yes even with these considerations the payback period from adding 7000 seats could easily be in excess of 15-20+ years
  21. Doesn't the FFP reporting window not close for the current season (23/24) on 30/06/24? England transfer window supposedly opens on June 14th, so that's a two week "grace" period to get players out - if not the likes of Chelsea may be stung for this year
  22. To be fair, looks like she can play a bit ...
  23. hmm, possibly - With him and Brailsford at the helm, maybe we should be suggesting more frequent drugs checks for Man Utd players in future
  24. As I understand it, P&S/FFP rules works on losses within a three year period not the actual debt - Man Utd have loans to cover this debt and have revenues to service the debt/interest payments (they've paid around £900m interest from the original ~£800m purchase in 18 years!) - Say it costs them £50m/year to service the debt they have revenues to cover it. Makes a bit of a mockery of the "sustainability" bit of P&S (as it is with all leveraged buyouts) as if the banks/lenders ever called in that debt they'd likely be well and truely fecked
  25. This is my understanding also. The 20 month figure being bandied about suggests 8 month notice/gardening leave period and 12 month anti-compete/restrictive covenant clauses. I'd hope after all the effort we took to get DA from Brighton that we've got that part of his contract pretty well tied down. It would be up to him and/or the competing company to pay the required compensation to get those clauses nullified. If the contact is as watertight as I expect, the ball is very very much in our court
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