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Everything posted by Memphis

  1. In fairness, ripping Stephen Crainey a new arsehole isn't exactly the biggest test for a footballer. Not that we have anyone who could, mind. Except Ranger. Obviously.
  2. Is Walcott upfront with Chamakh, or on the wing? He is absolutely destroying Crainey on the right. What he's doing is borderline criminal.
  3. Hughton's handling this exactly the way you'd want someone in his uncomfortable position to do. Say very little outright, leave plenty of room for interpretation (or not), and don't allow your words to limit yourself unnecessarily. It's all a game - and he's playing it well. Remember how much everyone loved the fact that the Jonas signing and the Enrique signing, among others, came out of nowhere? "That's the way business should be done etc" The only way that's accomplished is by keeping everything close to the vest, no matter how frustrating it is for fans to hear nothing in the meantime. There would have been nothing on the Ben Arfa deal except for Dassier's mouth and Ben Arfa's lunacy.
  4. I was pleasantly surprised with Carroll's performance in particular. Cannot fault his work rate at all - constantly fighting and winning headers, tracking way back to defend, he put in a hell of a 90 minutes of work. Shame about the missed header, though. Agree with those who say a creative attacking midfielder or a second striker working off him would do wonders for him. Better crossing would have netted us a goal, I feel. Would hope we could add someone who could pick a pass - we seem quite useful in the air in the box. Negatives - Perch was awful for the most part, Nolan and Smith offer nothing and do it slowly, still not convinced about Colo at this level. All in all, it was exactly what we should have expected.
  5. Perch is so far out of his depth it's scary. Near red card, near handball for a penalty, all around dodgy play. He makes Stephen Carr look like Maicon.
  6. Looks like one of our scouts must being scouting through FM, got him on my latest game is another wonderkid. Who next Iker Munian, Welliton or Lukaku ? Lukaku FTW Banging them in for my 2015 squad.
  7. "Shearer...it's a good jump...Kieron Dyer, past van Wonderen - oooohhhhhh, Dyer blocked. BELLAMY - IT'S IN!!!!!!! OOOOOHHHHHH - EXTRAORDINARY!! HAS THERE EVER BEEN A MORE DRAMATIC NIGHT IN THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE??" Still gives me chills.
  8. Memphis

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Ben Arfa is Tunisian by descent.
  9. Memphis

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If the agreement is an 800k loan fee with a future purchase option, as the OM president seemed to infer (although who can say with the dodgy translations and all), and if that future purchase option isn't a completely nonsensical amount of money, then the transfer would make perfect sense for us at this time. Even without the purchase option, it makes sense as a risk reducing move that should inject the side with desperately needed creativity in a critical (hopefully) consolidating season. Relatively small monetary risk, potentially enormous on-pitch reward this season, and perhaps even a possibility to make the deal permanent should he be a success. If he is a moody sulky little cunt, there's no long-term problem as he will be simple to get rid of. Given the considerable lack of creativity in the present starting XI, I cannot for the life of me imagine why anyone would thumb their noses at the prospect of signing a 23 year old with a solid pedigree and unquestioned talent who is seemingly motivated for whatever reason to come to us. Are we really that blessed with talent?
  10. Memphis

    Leon Knight

    Fair play to any actual player wanting to communicate directly on a forum but it's a spectacularly bad idea for so many reasons.
  11. Memphis

    Dan Gosling

    Young, English, decent w/ potential to be slightly better than decent. Versatile. Inexpensive. If he and Perch are the only signings, we've got a problem. If not, I see no problem whatsoever.
  12. Memphis

    James Perch

    He doesn't, but he is a Forest supporter and a journalist, so I'd expect him to have a source or two within the Forest setup. Seems plausible enough to me.
  13. Memphis

    James Perch

    From Daniel Taylor of the Guardian's Twitter:
  14. Also impressed with our new Ass't Manager Colin Colderwood
  15. 2-1 Leeds. Beckford. Bristol Rovers collapsing like you would not believe.
  16. Bristol Rovers are all over the place now. Leeds should have just made it 2-1.
  17. Leeds levels it. 1-1 Jonny Howson.
  18. Looks like a very, very, very poor man's Shaun Wright-Phillips with an attitude problem.
  19. Gradel pushed a Rovers man down then stamped his foot, then refused to leave the pitch - Beckford had to fairly drag him off the pitch or else he wouldn't have gone. Very tense scene now - wouldn't be surprised to see another red.
  20. Memphis


    Messi is the Nile Ranger of Barcelona.
  22. Jose was absolutely beyond brilliant - just a joy to watch. Seeing his reaction after the goal showed you everything you need to know about how much this club means to him. Great great night.
  23. Deserved. And probably coming even without Butt coming on. But the substitution was indefensible.
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