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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Taylor error for that goal?
  2. What's with that finger, Leroy?
  3. Excellent cross and goal that..
  4. From what you said earlier about him, I don't believe you think he is good enough for the Premiership (yet)?
  5. Portugal are playing like mugs this tournament though..
  6. Serbia you mean? Anyway, means your match tonight is a bit of a must win..
  7. Rubbish. It's not like money is all Chelsea have over us at the moment. CL football, a real chance to actually win something, an extraordinary manager, etc. He will have talked to Mourinho or other Chelsea representatives and obviously feels he will be involved in the first team sufficiently. I think this type of comment is very much sour grapes and well strange considering money is what we usually throw in our transfer targets' faces in abundance to compete with potentially more attractive clubs careerwise..
  8. His idol is Edgar Davids.. No surprise there.. Amazingly, first time Holland have qualified for the Olympics since 1952.
  9. Good cross from the right wing from Drenthe this time, and he's also putting in some decent corners..
  10. Good match this! Nice wizardry by Drenthe in the centre of midfield there
  11. 2-1.. Good goal from a free kick..
  12. 2-0.. Good play by Babel and Drenthe!
  13. Drenthe plays mostly as a left back for Feyenoord, but prefers to play more offensively.. He's only 20 years old. As I said, he could be an option for us as a left back, seeing as we really need two. He loves life at Feyenoord however, so I can't see him changing clubs to be a backup player at this stage..
  14. He doesn't seem to like the physical game.. Bodes well for him in the Premiership..
  15. Waterman out, but not replaced by Tim Krul..
  16. Krul not playing for Holland. Pity.. Seeing Drenthe play I wonder if he might be an option for Newcastle as left back. Has had a very decent first full season at Feyenoord, full of energy and a typical left wing back for a 3-5-2. He reminds me of Bernard (the first time he was with us).. Edit: penalty for Holland scored: 1-0 vs Portugal. Goalscorer: Ryan Babel.
  17. Most of the bookings so far have been very soft. Difficult to play naturally with such a petty ref..
  18. Belgium vs Israel is currently on. Belgium playing well so far. Their striker Mirallas showing glimpses of promise again.
  19. You must have seen a different match to me! Got the tactics right? High tempo? I nearly fell asleep, that's how boring it was, and the Czechs got the best chances overall..
  20. Unbelievable

    David Rozehnal

    That little article is from yesterday. Surely if PSG announced the transfer somebody in the UK press would have picked it up? Oh, and I believe RMC is a sports radio program in France?
  21. The defence looked shaky all match long I thought.. Edit: Italy lose 1:0 to Serbia..
  22. ... you should have a bigger sig and post even more often tbh. Edit: , Dave? Oh sod off!! Cheers Dave! It wasn´t bigger than some I´ve seen tbh.. Maybe yous should treat yourself to a decent sized monitor..
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