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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. True enough but no need to rub our noses in it.
  2. Did they mention numbers? Looks like a fee hundred there at least. Well done to all those who attended and especially the organisers.
  3. 3/10 Another bog standard Ashley window gambling we have just enough to stay up for another year on the gravy train but keeping some powder dry just in case we need it in January. Fucking sick of it. Just sell up already if you’re not interested in taking the club forward.
  4. If he wanted to buy SD shares he would first need to convert some asset or outstanding credit into cash in hand. Now would therefore be a good time to sell up (best case) or take out those deferred interest payments or repay part of the loan, while the club is cash heavy with PL TV revenue (worst case)
  5. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/after-five-years-silence-newcastle-4197405
  6. Such an extent that what? Stop with the conspiracy talk. It’s all there in black and white. I’m struggling to see how we can justifiably say we have no funds to spend so there is some kind of politics in play between MA and Rafa. Perhaps when Rafa says he has to sell to buy, this is because the transfer pot is for next season’s manager and he knows that won’t be him. All he wants to do is not have to put money in again- which he did when he gave Maclaren a load of money and he fucked it up. This is why he factors contract costs into budgets- there is some overall look-forward that won’t allow the club to go beyond a certain level. Any attempt to improve the standing of the club commercially would require a proper management team and not the skeleton rag-tag approach we have at the moment. He’s an absentee control freak- it’s the perfect storm of inaction and paralysis and I can't see how it will change any time soon. When was this if I may ask? I can't seem to find anything in the accounts for that period about Ashley putting in his own money for McLaren's spending spree? From what I know the only times he has put money in (as a repayable loan with deferred interest; see previous mail) is after we have been relegated (both times) and he had no choice but to invest to make sure we get back up to avoid him losing even more money. I could be wrong though.
  7. Ashley put money into NUFC on both occasions, he repaid himself the first time after the Carroll sale, we'll have to wait to see if the same thing has happened this time- it could be one reason why there is such limited funds this summer. He didn't plunge the club into debt, this was just the mechanism of him putting more money in and out. There are other ways to put money into the club; he chose to loan the club money to be repaid at a later date on both occasions effectively increasing our debt position. I don't see what's contentious about this at all or how it doesn't equate to plunging the club in more debt? Seems to me like you are arguing for arguing's sake in some financial defense of what Ashley has done to this club since taking over. Pointing out reality doesn't equate to a defense of Ashley. Is this the SMB now and we all have to follow the line? Putting in funds as a shareholder loan does not mean they will be repaid or need to be repaid. It is purely form over substance. He could have put in equity and taken a dividend with exactly the same impact. Debt which might be paid back but doesn't have to be, doesn't bear any interest and has the same beneficial owner as the equity isn't debt. NUFC as a business is debt-free since the satisfaction of the charges in favour of Barclays earlier in the year. Except unless I am very mistaken or the situation has recently changed the loan is specifically marked as being repayable on demand (source) and there is actually an accruing LIBOR +0.5% interest also repayable on demand and retroactively since its inception (source), so it is actually debt that will need to be repaid one day, possibly including interest unless waived, isn't it?
  8. Ashley put money into NUFC on both occasions, he repaid himself the first time after the Carroll sale, we'll have to wait to see if the same thing has happened this time- it could be one reason why there is such limited funds this summer. He didn't plunge the club into debt, this was just the mechanism of him putting more money in and out. There are other ways to put money into the club; he chose to loan the club money to be repaid at a later date on both occasions effectively increasing our debt position. I don't see what's contentious about this at all or how it doesn't equate to plunging the club in more debt? Seems to me like you are arguing for arguing's sake in some financial defense of what Ashley has done to this club since taking over. Let's be very clear about this: he's increased our debt and decreased revenue from sources other than centrally negotiated TV revenue at a time where our competitors have managed to grow theirs significantly, all to the direct benefit of Sports Direct. His financial management of the club has been disastrous (just like his appointments and his general running of the club). Regading this situation with Rafa; what's new? We've been here before a dozen times at least. Nothing ever fundamentally changes with Ashley at the helm. We all know it.
  9. Fully agree mojo. Fat man’s got our number. He can just keep pushing the boundaries now.
  10. Shoveling funds from his own pocket? Plunging the club in more debt more like. Anyway, as I’ve suggested before, Rafa should have given Ashley an ultimatum this summer while he holds all the aces: back me/sell up or I walk. Shame he apparently hasn’t.
  11. Source? Or just speculation on your part?
  12. A Youtubed single football manager style static camera and the club dare charge fans money for this?
  13. Interesting quotes from Rafa today. Didn’t the exact same thing happen around this time in preseason last year?
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