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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Nah Really? What have we done that's made you think we're heading in the right direction?
  2. Wow. We've signed a good player without looking at his future resale value?
  3. So, haven't really paid attention today. Which defender have we bought to replace Willo?
  4. No, I don't agree that it was a yellow, I didn't even think it was a foul. Alright.
  5. I think we can all agree it was a yellow at the very least. Out of interest, does anybody think he would have made it until the end of the game without a second booking in a game with such a trigger happy referee? And iff he had stayed on, would McClaren have taken him off before the inevitable second booking?
  6. f***ing hell, do you ever stop? f***ing disgusting this like, UB. To think I once had respect for you. FFS
  7. I can't wait for him to be dropped again and the usual suspects suffering from amnesia coming in to say he isn't suited to the Premier League and has never played a good game for us, ever. Hopefully those days are behind us now Pardew has gone, but I can't say it would surprise me in the slightest. A very good performance once again Vurnon, keep it up
  8. Absolutely this. The people who are advocating, probably rightly, that if earlier incidents like his two earlier bookings and the penalty decision in this game would left out of the equation a yellow and a stern telling off would have sufficed need to ask themselves would they have left him on the pitch after that or taken him off as a precaution? This happened in the 16th minute and surely any leeway would have been gone so he would have had to play in a very controlled manner for the remaining 74 minutes + ET, and I don't think he has that in him. As much as it's valid to suggest the sport has gone soft and the referee could have been a bit more lenient, there is also undeniably a problem with the player himself, who just looks like an accident waiting to happen at this stage. Also, his card will not only be marked with referees, but also opposition players and managers who will try to use his reputation against him from now on. A lot of work is to be done to keep that bit of aggression that makes him a nuisance as a part of his game without it spilling over quite so frequently.
  9. It's probable been mentioned, but Jetro Willems was in SJP again today supporting his mate Bigi.
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