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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Nonsense. Your squad is easily top 10 in the world in terms of quality of the players. Media is however an easy way out;the media in other countries is not altogether different. Maybe the English football mindset isn't really cut out for competing as a team though; the whole never seems to be the sum of its parts, let alone more.
  2. No he hasn't. Those are the players the club has gone for out of the ones you've recommended. You have no idea who Carr recommends or whether he is or isn't good at his job besides from judging its output. Stop pretending otherwise.
  3. Here's one to ponder: if your players were born Germans and vice versa, would Germany be as good as a major tournament competitor, and England be as shit? I'm afraid so personally.
  4. It's not about tonight or this tournament, it's about decades of failure..
  5. To me as an outsider your problem seems to be mostly about mentality as opposed to a lack of quality, bad management, the press or whatever reasons are commonly mentioned. Your players are easily good enough, but for some reason the real hunger to go deep in or even win a World or European Championship never seems to be there, and neither does the team spirit. I think the fact that your players win so many trophies for their clubs, are hyped at an early age, and compete with each other fiercely most of the time playing for different clubs makes it harder to mould them into a motivated, balanced squad, with a clear hierarchy amongst the players.
  6. What have you seen to suggest they're not very good? Genuine question, I don't really take much interest in the qualifiers tbh. I think they were 1 win in 7 before the tournament and drew 1-1 with Luxembourg a week before the start with a full strength side, and 0-0 with Ireland the week before. They played a lot experimental formations in the build up though. They lack a bit pace but Italy are a pretty solid side at full strength I think. Confident they'll beat Uruguay and Costa Rica then? Italy have quality in every area of the pitch. They're capable of beating both of those sides. They won't though, seeing as they don't need to.
  7. Hahaha, that Japanese right back making a great tackle and getting the ball from Samaras, then dribbling like a boss for a while only to lose the ball to a tackle from Samaras..
  8. Dandruff is eating his brain. Seriously though, I was f***ing impressed at how small he became when Suarez got infront of him. Goalkeepers are supposed to make themselves bigger, but he kinds of puts his body into position to get even smaller. I'm seriously amazed. It's like a hockey goaltender throwing away all the protection right before someone comes one on one. How do you manage that? I like how you say you don't blame him then completely rip him to pieces. I fully agree with you, but he should be absolutely pelted for that passage of play. He wasn't correctly positioned (too far to his left) and, as you say, he ducked rather than making himself as big as possible.
  9. Dandruff is eating his brain. Seriously though, I was f***ing impressed at how small he became when Suarez got infront of him. Goalkeepers are supposed to make themselves bigger, but he kinds of puts his body into position to get even smaller.
  10. Such mental weakness from such a quality bunch of players.
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