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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Get Ranger on. His injection of pace will have them shitting bricks.
  2. The gap between midfield and our 1(!!!) striker is massive. Our defence has been trying to play pretty football when at times it needs the Mike Williamson school of just putting your foot through it. Jonas is getting frustrated, trying to do everything himself thereby messing up the team shape. You just know Butt is going to be the first sub made by us. Arrrggghhhh!!!!
  3. Brilliant goal. Bollocks!!! Ranger needs to come on for 2nd half to replace Best. It's like playing with 10 men.
  4. Following on from the above suggestion.....could the NUST not buy it? Would be hilarious! Can name it "Alan Shearer's toilet bowl"...........Plus more chance of that lot down the road dealing with them than Big Mike ever will.
  5. Look on the bright side folks..... at least it's only Cardiff at St James on Friday neet. Oh hang on........
  6. Utter excrement! Only Williamson can hold his held high after that! They pissed all over us. It took till their legs began to tire to allow us put anything that remotely resembled 'pressure'. I can only assume/hope that the remaining players on the bench were carrying injuries which forced Chris' choices somewhat....either that or he's a feckin' numpty of the highest order.
  7. Song is called "Goin Up" (go figure?!). Can't remember who 'sung' it but it can be found on cd compilation of Newcastle tunes called "Howay the lads" on sale from The Back Page.
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