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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Think I've just got a tingly feeling downstairs.
  2. The bruce fanboys in the media are gonna do what they do regardless if he stays or not. Just get shot of him. We know he's a waste of space. There's nothing that could happen between now and end of the season that will change their minds on the job bruce is doing. They like him, they're wrong. Sack the kunt now and move on.
  3. Surprised no-one foresaw it and said something.
  4. Just read the 'not good enough' quote. 100% this.
  5. Thanks Steve for explaining 3 draws equals 3 points. My eyes are opened like Saul on the road to Damascus. fuck nugget!
  6. Agree it's too late but they've got to do something. I know some folk want him to stay just so he 'owns' another relegation on his CV but feck that. This is about NUFC, not S Bruce. Besides, we could get humped 10 nil in all games till the end of the season and his pals will spin it in his favour. Saying that the only reason I'd want him to stay was if he could be here when fans are let back in. A full stadium made Pards cry and he's thick skinned. If 10,000 or so are let in and even just half of them give him verbal grief he'll buckle like a teenage girl at a one direction gig. One thing that does go round my head is how does Bruce see this ending? Is he just holding out for his compensation money when he is sacked? Or does he honestly think he can turn this around? His son tells him what the fans online think of him but does he not think that is a true reflection of 'real' fans? After all, he has letters to prove how much he's liked. He keeps saying he thinks he'll be manager of us next season. Even IF we stayed up, what does he think that first home game of next season will be like? He has to realise he is a dead man walking, maybe not in Ashley's eyes, but in every other sense. Basically he's getting fired in a cannon back home to the north west sometime so might as well be now.
  7. Could be argued the unwashed are making moves to finish above us next season.
  8. Yeah, did he not have them in on the Sunday before the Monday night game against Leicester? Seem to recall reading he had a really loud whistle and in that session he would be constantly stopping the players and challenging them and asking them why they made the pass they just made or whatever. Getting them to think about what they were doing and the decisions they were making. Wanting them to become better players and actively helping them reach that. Can't imagine bruce ever doing shit like that. Rafa - I miss you and want you back!!
  9. "Bruce has put pressure on him behind the scenes to make more signings, but he has never slagged the owner off in public, unlike his predecessor. In turn, when he has explained the financial situation and the losses caused by the pandemic, Bruce has in turn listened and adjusted his expectations accordingly. After three years of feeling like Benitez was constantly fighting against him and openly challenging his authority and decision making, he has a manager who tries to work with him and it has been a relief when he does not want to be dragged into constant battles at a football club he wants to leave to run itself." Fuck me!!! I know I shouldn't have started reading the fucking article. Just raises my stress levels. Rafa was 'fighting' and 'challenging' to make the club better in every sense of the word you fucking dumb kunt! Doesn't want to be dragged in to a battle? He's done well there... 1 point above relegation spot, 2 wins in 18. Fulham catching up. Next win nowhere signposted in the near future. Fans in open revolt. Think the battle has well and truly begun mate! Wants to leave the club to run itself....i.e. just stay 12th to 17th. Don't get relegated cos I'll loose a wee bit money but don't get too high cos that will raise expectations and we don't want that either.
  10. Thanks Luke! So the fat man hasn't binned him cos he's such a fucking genius that he's thinking 4-5 moves ahead of us mere mortals. Aye right, calling that out as complete bullshit! Who does Luke think ashley? Some sort of Dr Strange type figure..... "I've seen 14,000,605 possibilities... this is the only one that will work"
  11. From nufc.com's match report from the weekend: PS: NUFC.com July 2019 on the appointment of Bruce - for 13 months read 25?: So all the talk of progressive football has been sacrificed on the altar of expedience and we're now saddled with a Carver/McClaren reboot. We don't really care about his club hopping, the plight he left Sheffield Wednesday in; Bruce's mackem connection or his perception as an Old Trafford apologist is of little consequence. And even the claim that a man who allegedly bleeds black and white once preferred Norwich City to us doesn't matter. Regardless of your viewpoint of Rafa though, this cannot be seen as anything other than a retrograde step - a man who previously boasted of his dislike of tactics. This is the very opposite of ambition; an appointment that nicely mirrors our grubby, unloved, derided shell of a football club. One of the game’s greatest mercenary managers is now in residence at his "spiritual home", for now. Acutely aware of the frosty reception awaiting, Bruce has accepted the job with open arms knowing that the worst case scenario is a multi-million payout. Whether the club have shown some foresight in appointing Bruce remains to be seen; perhaps they've merely acquired a manager with promotion to the top flight on his CV, 13 months before he's needed. Biffa
  12. BT Sport again!! Ya dancer!! Cancelled subscription last year. Peaceful Friday night for me.
  13. Urgh. Someone buy fat sam a hygiene trimmer. Got Sherwood Forrest growing out his ears
  14. Seen him 3 or 4 times at least Ha. Must be when I've been looking down to type. Jones will try and enter the technical area after we go a goal down and bruce will just shoulder barge him. His wwe finishing move.
  15. Im sure that's the first time all season i have seen Hendrick contribute something, and i loose the word contribute loosely.
  16. Do you think that has anything to do with how insecure bruce is and wanting to differentiate himself from the "mighty" Rafa. I.e. He sees dummet as a Rafa player and lewis is his.
  17. Chelsea’s player I think. Ahh, that explains it.
  18. Like the look of their player Gallagher.
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