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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Is this 'appointment before chelski' serious? If so, rules out rafa or i suppose they could announce he'll be coming in the summer. just re-read that.... what the f***. I must be drunk. No way is our owner gonna make a good choice with this.
  2. Advocaat? Fuck no!!! In the name of all things holy...please no!!!!
  3. Only seen the second half but could swear pardkunt is still in the dugout.
  4. Is it wrong for me to want gouff to get injured in first 5mins in the hope it might force him to bring cabella on?
  5. 100% agree. Rafa would be perfect for us. Just my opinion but i think he'd be very keen if approached. Unfortunately your second point is correct too meaning it will be some bruce/adkins etc. Like previous poster i'm just gonna enjoy the next few days.
  6. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    So they could be getting 5 days a week of offensive training then?
  7. ScottishMagpie

    John Carver

    Thursday's match will be really interesting. From a point of view to seeing if JC changes much. The last time he was in the dugout it could be argued he was doing as instructed by the king. Wonder if that ties in with his own philosophy. Anyone know how that Vancouver team played? Keen to see if he just unleashes all out toon attack.
  8. Cheers Dave! Have saved the image to show eejits at my office who will give me a hard time for "making" him leave.
  9. They were all "That looks canny" Silly question...what period do these stats cover?
  10. Do you think in years to come people will remember where they were when it happened a la JFK, Lennon, Cole being sold etc.?
  11. Tickets still available for thurs? Fair tempted to make the trip down.
  12. Im welling up here. I believe...... I BELIEVE!!!!!!
  13. This isnt real is it? Im having the best dream ever.
  14. Do people stil fax nowadays? Thought it was just JFK.
  15. Dinnae do this to me.... please!!!! Off work tomoro...can see tonight be a late night of F5-ing.
  16. Have these twats not looked at our record under him in 2014 before they come out with that shite?! GRRRRRR!!!
  17. and he will still start on sunday as we get beat again but our manager will be full of praise for his workrate though he's played 3 times in a week.
  18. And when we have done well Pardew has "turned it around" but when we are shit it's all "players have let the club down" etc,
  19. Fucking awful subs. What the fuck does he have noted in that notebook?
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