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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Disappointing. After all the press coverage this week and the various opinion polls showing 80% plus wanted him gone. Now it looks to the outside world like some "armchair internet warriors" and not the "real" fans opinion (whatever the definition of a "real" fan is!). Seems like 80% plus of the 'soopafans' want the c**t to stay. Either that or they are torn between protest and supporting the team during the match. Maybe after FT there might be hell to pay.
  2. Bollox if i'm giving them money even if it is £4. Dodgy internet site it is then.
  3. Daft question....to listen to this on the radio do you have to subscribe to NUFC tv?
  4. Wonder what he's doing right now... either barracaded himself in his bedroom cupboard with his toys greetin and refusing to "go to skool tomorrow" or watching a homemade sex tape thinking what a gift to the human race he is.
  5. Apologies if this has been asked before but has a manager ever quit his job midway through a match?
  6. So basically the same shite he spouted after last season's derby game at SJP then we went on to get butt-fucked by the scousers?!!! I'll state the obvious but I think on Saturday it will be clear to all who witness it that he has not only lost the fans but also the players too. Fat Elliott might be running up the touchline like a cheerleader but the majority I suspect won't give a f**k. They aren't stupid (well, apart from Saylor) and know what's coming.
  7. Just heard about this. Pray he makes a full recovery. Thoughts are with you Jonas!
  8. Or could it not be he's been given one more game to save his job? Just because he will be there come saturday (which we all pretty much knew would be the case) it doesn't mean he "retains the support...." Maybe mike has been on this forum and knows the shitstorm that is gonna hit sjp on saturday, looking for that to finally break the kings spirit and he'll resign.
  9. Let's hope they get in a row about the weekend, and Pards stabs Ash to death with his own letter opener in a frenzied attack. Fat Mike out of the picture once and for all, and Pards on the run to f***ing Guatemala or somewhere. Dreamland! what have the poor people of Guatemala done to you like?
  10. Brucie will want to impress his prospective new employer.
  11. IF he doesn't go on saturday then the next home game should have not a single nufc fan in SJP. Empty stands beside SD adverts wont do his brand image any good. I have severe doubts about some of our so called 'fans' though. Sure some just pitch up every 2nd week out of habit in the same way they do the shopping every weds night.
  12. More papers banned than points on the board. Brilliant! The nails are getting hammered in. edit: i know the king didnt do the banning but can only help the coverage.
  13. No he's not! Saturday is the day this fuckers world will crumble. Forget sept.18th, sept 20th will live forever!!!!
  14. Just read the 'myths' page on the website. Well thought out piece.
  15. If the season went jan to dec we'd be fucked by now no?
  16. would wor al work 'under' this regime again?
  17. “For us it is very important we control part of the game. When they won at West Ham they had perhaps too much control and that is something we want to take away from them." Just seen this quote with reference to Saturday's game. WTF?!!!! So he would like to control 'part' of the game would he? Surely as a manager you'd want your team to have complete control of a game?! If i was a travelling fan that's what I'd want to hear from our manager. Can't wait to make that journey in the hope that we might control 'part' of the game. Probably that 5min spell after they score their 3rd and we've "got them worried". f***ing bell end so he is!!! :rant:
  18. Arrogant little tosser. Looks like he's spoiling for a fight. Suggest he gets one when Hull come to town. And that's just the home fans. Get him riled up enough to headbutt some again and see him banished from the game for evermore.
  19. I think it was a right little cock for the first couple of seasons at 'that lot' but he mightily impressed me in his final season. He seemed to have matured as a manager and as a human being. He's out of work, according to reports desperate to work in the premiership, used to working under not the most biggest budgets, can handle the pressure of working for a 'passionate' fanbase, familiar with the british game, has experience of playing in europe, runs things profressionally (eg. the Alan Thompson episode), played a not to shabby style of football either. Like I say he's far from being my first choice pick the job but from the pool of who we would realistically be looking at should the king get de-throned then he's a strong contender.
  20. I'm gonna throw in a name not on the list and then put my tin helmet on - Neil Lennon. Absolutely not my top pick but IF Pards was to GTF then Neil ticks a lot of boxes.
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