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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. This is THE team which the king has picked to deliver the type of football us Newcastle fans expect?!!
  2. Dunno if the the Suarez thing is right but there probably wouldn't have been the same groans or whatever when he did because of the team he had round about him, or should I say the way the team round about him were coached to play.... he and fans knew it would be a minute or two before he had another attempt and would pull it off whilst HBA gets pelters for losing the ball in our only two forays into the oppositions final third. Boils my piss!
  3. Fuck a duck!!! Is that odds on to be the team? What a pile of shite! Looks makeshift already and it's only the first game of the season. Square pegs round holes and all that. GRRRR!!! Pardew you complete bastard!!!
  4. The man is a grade A cunt of the highest order. How fucking stupid can you be?! The question that was posed to him is a complete no brainer....the interviewer was basically setting him up "finished top half last season, this season we're looking at breaking into to 8 at least" or something like that. The fanny cannae even get that bit right. Wank!
  5. that club must be owned by someone who doesn't like their own fans either.
  6. RIP to all aboard the flight. Thoughts and prayers with John and Liam's families.
  7. Why is that daft german bint politician on the shaking hands bit? The argie PM aint there.
  8. Poor messi. Shouldnt have been made do to that.
  9. Be a load of final tickets going up on ebay now no?
  10. "Im glad we've signed a striker this early....."
  11. Luiz is still on the pitch?!! Should be banned from football stadiums for 4 months.
  12. always got to make it about himself.............kunt!
  13. I'm positive it was Shola that Pards was spouting shite about when he was going on about putting in a supposed bid for a player that doesn't get a game for his 'current' club etc. Can just imagine alan giving mike a call and saying "mike, I want to buy that Shola fellow" and mike going "give us 14 million".
  14. We'd buy him and pards would have him not scoring in no time. fucking cracking goal.
  15. So thats what him scoring looks like. Wonder if pards is watching.
  16. Names have changed but this is just like reading a newcastle match thread
  17. I've just had a burst of the giggles in the middle of the office. I feel your pain Bimpy, I really do but I'm poorless the now.
  18. Just luv the bbc. Henry-world cup winner, clarence-world cup semi-finalist and robbie-18 caps for wales.
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