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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Can picture pards watching this shaking his head. Kunt!
  2. Just thinking what it would be if it was pards giving the dutch half time talk instead of van gaal.
  3. Can not wait to hear the dutch commentary of that one.
  4. BBC kicking ITV's arse already when it comes to coverage.
  5. Hope that fat kunt is watching sky sports 1. See what can happen with a bit of effort and belief!
  6. Sherwood is a complete fanny, gonna be our next manager once pards is sacked at xmas.
  7. Bear in mind this is the same regime/owner that came out and publicly stated that Alan Shearer was the man they wanted to be our manager (immediately after we were relegated) and look how that turned out. Straws. Clutching. I know!!
  8. It'll happen. Pardew will spend it wrongly and then Ashley has an excuse for why we don't spend much in the future. You're just saying to make me happy aren't you? FUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!! Thought I wouldn't be as pissed off once the season was done with but I'm raging at the thought of him keeping his job.
  9. This pressure on this kunt needs to be kept up. No chance I want him still here next season. C'mon Mike, do you really want this fraud spending 'your money'?
  10. WTF is that gif all about? Mental!
  11. Anyone know when this meeting is set to take place?
  12. "all eligible admin staff employed...." how many is that exactly? one man and his dog in a garden shed?
  13. Get the FUCK IN!!!!!!! Well done to everyone who's leaving/making their voices heard.
  14. I hope the folk leaving are all piling round the front of the milburn to continue the chanting?
  15. "...then we had to show real character second half, to come out here two goals down on the back of five defeats." WTF?!!!! so we've to applaud the fuckers for just walking on to the pitch for the second 45 mins? Big balls required for that? Was there the option for them to barricade themselves in the changing room and not come out? Wish they fuckin hadn't. Oh just shove it up your shitter you fucking cretin!
  16. Expect things we cant quite deliver? How about effort u shit stain of a human being?!
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