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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. That's actually a no bad article from Taylor.
  2. Wonder if someone from the coaching team (can't help but laugh when I type that!) has sat down with our no.9 and explained the offside rule using condiments on the cafeteria table.
  3. “I think after this season, depending on how many games I get, I’ll have to look at it and see what happens.” Without SDJ the season is probably over with (from Pardew's tactics pov) so why don't you just go now? Bye.
  4. I could maybe agree with Ian W to a certain extent about this quote not being too offensive in isolation but the insinuation by the chief kunt pardwho is that we conceded the equaliser whilst trying to get a 4th. Just re-read .com's match report and it's not as if we were caught on the break whilst marauding forward. We couldn't defend a relatively non-dangerously situated free kick. Got fuck all to do with the fans pressuring them.
  5. I always liked the fact we didnt have a scoreboard. Heck! Wasni happy when those clocks in the corners appeared!
  6. Great as this is it will mean hee-haw if those inside the church of st james give the f**ker an easy ride.
  7. Would like to think the 0 stay votes are an indication of how little the toon faithful think of the fraud than an sign of the limited breadth of this forums membership.
  8. Journos read this forum from time to time dont they? Hope they pick up on this and base a story on it. Ramp up the pressure on this bawbag.
  9. GRRRRR!!!!! That man does my fukin nonce in so he does!!! The "pardew" way. Play for the nil-nil and hope for that 'one bit of quality' cos that's what's needed to unlock Crystal f**kin' palace's defence!!
  10. I know this 2/3 games to save his job is pretty much conjecture atm but can we get a countdown related banner made up (and I don't mean one of Rachel Riley, tho that would quite nice!:-) but one with "3 games to go Alan" or somfing like that. Just to have it visible to the press will pick up on it but more importantly the twat himself will see it.
  11. I pray this is credible info. I've gone from being completely depressed on Monday evening to like a kid at the start of December and knowing Christmas is coming soon!
  12. That article reeks of fabrication but I pray it's true. C'mon the saints and the tigers!!!
  13. Any fan that rolls up to SJP for the hull match deserves a fucking bitch slap. There should an empty stadium and clear message sent.
  14. he's away having a pie and pint with HBA.
  15. Hayley Mcqueen has been the best bit about this deadline day so far.
  16. Does he think getting shot of him will stop the HBA chants? Be funny as fuck if they increased.
  17. Fecking cracking post! Almost jumped out my seat at work and fist-pumped!
  18. are those monitors back in home dugout at SJP? Could explain a lot of his in game decision making.
  19. Has it come to the point where us getting beat of lower league clubs in the cups is no longer a "huge upset" for the wankers at Sky?
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