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Everything posted by Joey

  1. If people promise not to go for the right leg, you can share mine .
  2. When do we find out the colours and that? If you're trying to even the teams, im utter shit so put me in the last picked from the school lineup pile.
  3. I'll be there. Despite only living around the corner, i'll drive up in my busted arse old astra, you'll hear me before you see me, come and fetch me as i've not met half of you.
  4. f***ing hell. Daily Mail getting confused between a Unicorn and a Pegasus. And they got the name of the area incorrect too, while not as big of a mistake, they should atleast check.
  5. YES! Deserved, well deserved. Some player we have on our hands.
  6. Joey


    Not twitter but a chat window to the side of a stream (obviously legal and that) "Man utd started winning the premier league because they exploited the munich air disaster" What? People man.
  7. I'm down with this, i'm unfit and pretty shit but i'll play. Play anywhere bar the wings/goal because i'm a big lumbering idiot but I may aswell show my face.
  8. Joey


    Come on man, give the kid a rest, self fulfilling prophecy and all that if you continue to rib him. Seems decent enough.
  9. Pardew man, texting away couldn't give 2 fucks with a tarantula on his arm, standard.
  10. Joey


  11. Joey


    He needs to watch out or he'll end up falling further.
  12. Joey


    And yet no Krul, Taylor, Santon, Colo, Jonas.....well, I'm struggling to see his logic. Perhaps someone from the Sunderland division of the EDL could explain? http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=735587#ixzz290eX7sOs Single somebody out. Picks multiple players. They've sort of missed their own inane point.
  13. Joey

    St James' Park

    Initially I was pissed off, but really I don't get this praying on the vulnerable stance some people have. It's not as if you HAVE to go borrow money from them, if they weren't around, it could end up so much worse if they didn't have the means to get any cash to tide them over. That and I was easily swayed by getting rid of that temporary sports direct name, i'm one of those easily bought.
  14. As a player, I have no qualms about him coming back, he gives us other options if the usual style of play doesn't pay dividends. As a person however, i'd rather we stayed well away, who dives against your hometown club after dumping the number 9 shirt for "the club you love"? Awful scrote.
  15. They may be undercutting the club but how many sales to sports direct stores do we get for them having to stock all over the uk? 6 of one, half a dozen of the other I guess.
  16. Joey


    I've just been watching the walking dead, paused it a bit of the way through to watch it, thought i'd not pressed pause for fucks sake, sounds exactly the same (and looks it)
  17. Joey


    So by that Moggets as Everton (Just for arguments sake), have been in the premier league longer than Man City, they've got a claim to being the bigger club. Sounds legit.
  18. Joey


    Just hang on a minute. Even the shorts are communal. http://i.qkme.me/3pc45r.jpg
  19. Joey


    That is superb, doesn't mess about does he mate? Also got Uncle Micks jacket on too. Not sure if Giggs.
  20. Ba should be taken off, i'm quite sick of him trying to shoot from about 40 yards out when there's better options available for him.
  21. Joey


    Given wasn't too bad neither.
  22. Joey


    But if you took away all the games they won points in then we'd be on more points than the mags. FTM etc
  23. Joey


    Bit insensitive some of the jokes regarding the dying bloke isn't? I mean, it's just football after all. :/
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