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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Does it really matter if things don't blend in? It's a simple copy and paste in paint and it got the "message" across. Everybodies a critic these days.
  2. When Nile Ranger runs through the middle they give him a guard of honour.
  3. It's a hard read, even harder knowing how much the emergency services fucked up on that day.
  4. Think she'd blow for a hard tackle........................................
  5. No chance, I wouldn't even want Keegan as a manager or for that matter Shearer as a manager.
  6. Joey


    Theres a big placard on the outside of it saying Shepherd Offshore
  7. Speaking of Collocini, he seems like a really nice bloke, he gos to where my dad works for his meat (he's a butcher in dobbies near darras hall) and he brought him and his mate 2 match worn signed shirts for xmas.
  8. Joey


    I'd say around about a 4
  9. He did score 5, however he was in a generous mood and let them off with 2.
  10. Even if that is the case, i'd say Jonas is better than Bentley anyway.
  11. Why would we be looking for "ones for the future" if Ashley has all these intentions to sell?
  12. You can't really blame for the 2nd goal, granted he didn't have the best of games but it would of probably went in if he didn't stick his foot out anyway.
  13. 1 win in 28 years, they've still not got anything to be proud of. Beating an under strength team, shit happens, it's only 3 months they'll have bragging rights for
  14. I'm heartened that he included India as one of the countries where investment might come from. It could be a clue that Ambani has thrown his turban into the ring. Why would Ambani have a turban? he's not even Sikh.
  15. And what, pray, would have happened to NUFC if he HADN'T rescued the club in 1992? We were going BUST, man - get real... And as for your political comment, I am no fan of EITHER UK major party, and if you think the Tories are any worse than Labour, you need to wake up and smell the coffee.. The UK Govt is no more powerful than a Town Council these days...you are run from Brussels, my friend... And when did he say he was a labour boy either?
  16. Accoding to a friend (I don't know how reliable they are) Keegan actually smacked Llambias during a meeting. You may mock me blah blah blah, im not an ITK but i'm just passing on what I heard. Don't shoot the messenger and all that
  17. Joey

    Peter Beardsley

    It's a fair enough statement to be fair, at the end of the day despite what you all think we were heading for bankruptcy before he came in.
  18. Joey

    Save Newcastle United

    This is all well and good but it's an absurd idea, it's not just finding the money to buy the club, but then theres things like the debts the club still owe, weekly outgoings, player wages etc. We could never have enough money as just ordinary fans to keep us up. If we did go down under this time of management then it's less mess per season each league we'd drop down.
  19. Joey

    "Cockney Mafia Out"

    That's all well and good if you're protesting in a productive manner and not just doing it to get on tv or for the fun of it. Half the knobs doing it couldn't remember Keegan from the first time around so why are they so "angry"? A proper protest is good, what they did just made us look like idiotic fans. A great advert to any potential investors is a bunch of 12 year olds shouting at the board because it's a laugh.
  20. Our fans just look moronic on the whole, especially the retards with the Cockney Mafia OUT! sign.
  21. I have faith in him, he steadied the ship but his cronies are making it hard for him. I'm losing faith.
  22. Can you not just keep it in the one thread?
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