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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Possibly the worst result possible. The cunt is going to be insufferable.
  2. If you're hoping for a defeat (unfortunately myself being one of those) I wouldn't worry, one of his famed half time team talks coming up.
  3. I can't believe 1 person (or maybe a few, but 1 for definite) is making me wish the club I've loved for years gets beaten week in week out.
  4. From the link I read (can't remember where) it seems they had found body parts. Must be even worse having to deal with that if it was your loved ones. Glad he's finally been found though.
  5. Joey


    That bucket is coming out of our transfer funds like.
  6. Drove past the funeral procession, feels a lot closer to home seeing his hearse, before that I had only really seen anything about it in the media.
  7. Aye, thanks, although not directly affected they're still one of ours, what you've done is amazing! Forgetting the rivalry were still both football loving communities and have shown that we look after one another. I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot our lot would be doing the same. It's a shame it takes something like this to unite us but thems the breaks, although not being around those days it's reminiscent of the times our respective supporters went to watch each other as friends, something like this has shown we can still be that and do respect each other despite the few numptys. Thanks lads!
  8. Joey


    Would it be worth creating a new thread where we can post our thanks in it post on RTG? A lot of us have no accounts there and it would be nice they just know we said thank you.
  9. Mikes been on paint again, we've signed McManaman but with his clever photo trickery he's hoping we'll fall for it. I'm not convinced.
  10. Mike is still fucking about in paint, trying to work out how to make the spraypaint bigger.
  11. Not Gerrards best year with the slip and that, whatever that was.
  12. First Spain, now Uruguay. Fuck betting.
  13. I too have been beaten by Polic. There, I've said it, it's the first step.
  14. Now he's taken us to scraping 10th #progress
  15. Joey

    More than a Forum?

    I'd like to see articles come back, however maybe it'd be easier for people to submit and then be uploaded if they're deemed worthy (whether the moderator agrees or not), that way you don't have to have set writers and keep the content up?
  16. No chance was Shearer scared, watched it again and the look in his eyes is "Just try it".
  17. Joey


    By a long stretch.
  18. Joey


    I'm sure you get given a bit of leeway when making up a joke, bickering over whether it's a zero or an O doesn't really matter, you get the point. It's relatively amusing, arguing about it just makes us look bitter and 'rattled'.
  19. On the flip side, if he's making a profit, why is he going to want to sell!?
  20. Joey


    Shola as Bart (Cleavon Little) from Blazing Saddles man. My life is complete. Edit: OK so maybe he's not, but that's all I can think of.
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